bef said

Extra-old puerh trees offerings

The community has shown continued interest in puerh tea from very old trees. So I thought it would be interesting to share all these offerings in a single thread.

62 Replies
bef said

Mei Leaf

This vendor currently has a tea from extra-old trees – a sheng from 1,600 years old trees from Bingdao (maybe not the Bingdao you know, this one is located in Xishuangbanna, according to Mei Leaf). This tea has been discussed by the community in this thread:

The same vendor also has 1,000 years old ripe puerh available (, and they also carry tea from younger trees (500 years old and the such).

AllanK said

It should be noted that he is out of stock of these regardless of their actual age.

Rob said

Opening up a can of worms here!

AllanK said

The probability that he had tea from 1600 year old trees is probably equal to your probability of winning Powerball, two drawings in a row.

tea123 said

Perhaps they were planted by Jesus as Rob said. God only knows.

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bef said

Verdant Tea

Verdant is back with more offerings from X-old tea trees:

- 1,000 years old ripe puerh (just like Mei Leaf’s ripe puerh):

- 1,300 years old single tree (Master Zhou is back with new teas):

- 800 years old mixed with flowers (not sure if that qualifies as x-old trees, but I’m still posting it because it’s unique in its own way):
AllanK said

Anything over 800 year old trees I question and even that is incredibly rare.

bef said

More information from Verdant Tea, for those of the community interested into >1000 years old trees:

AllanK said

There was an old thread about Verdant, I think it was called Transparency in the Tea Industry. It did a pretty good job a debunking Verdant’s claims. These teas from Verdant are just too cheap to be genuine. You can’t get tea from such old trees for such a low price. The mao cha would sell for probably five to six times what they are selling a cake for, at least.

Laura B said

I actually bought the “800 year old” cake from Verdant, not because of the claimed age which I do not believe, but because I wanted to try it. And I love it – already left a review here on it.

AllanK said

The 1300 year old tree tea is described as single tree sheng. In my understanding a single old tree like that will produce enough tea for maybe 500g or so of tea. So unless his single tree is actually multiple trees he should only have a handful of 100g cakes available.

bef said

**unless it’s being picked by Master Zhou…

I hear Master Zhou has a deep understanding of the Banach-Tarski theorem.

AllanK said

And he sells that 1300 year old tree sheng for $49. What’s wrong with it that he would let it go so cheaply. Only if he knows it isn’t really 1300 year old tree tea would he sell it on the cheap. On the other hand, if that tea is really plantation material he is charging a lot of money for 100g of sheng.

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DongBei said

See above for a comprehensive list of either: a) unscrupulous sellers looking to make a few extra bucks off of uneducated tea buyers or b) uneducated tea buyers who were duped by unscrupulous Chinese farmers. Since the first store is run by an Englishman whose Chinese is far from ideal, I’d tend toward the latter, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, Master Zhou? More like Master Pianren, Duper of Yangren.

Rasseru said


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Numi Tea

“Pu·erh is the oldest known variety of tea and is picked from 500 year-old trees before undergoing a special fermentation process.”

bef said

I’m not sure if 500 years old qualifies as old trees in this thread. Thanks for posting, though!

You have high standards! Thanks for starting the thread :)

AllanK said

And if you want Numi tea it can be had for the cheap on Amazon. Didn’t know they were making age claims too.

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Zhao Zhou Tea

Most of their puer catalog is from extra-old trees; here are a few standouts:

Da Xue Shan 2012 No.815 – 1000yrs

Da Xue Shan 2016 No.836 – 800-1000yrs

Ye Sheng Gushu 2016 No.835 – 600-1000yrs

Da Xue Shan 2006 No.801 – 600-1000yrs

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Tea Urchin

I haven’t combed through their whole catalog, but here are two that reach 500yrs, which is extra-old in my book:

Shen Gu You Lan 2012 Raw –

Yin Xiang 2012 –

AllanK said

Tea Urchin has a good reputation but those teas seem too cheap to me. 500 year old tea trees do exist so it is theoretically possible but the price gives me doubts.

My thoughts exactly Allan.

It should be noted both of these cakes are from a separate entity. This means they are not “Tea Urchin” brand, so he TU is just acting as a sort of middle man. I like to think of these situations as like a game of “telephone”.

That makes sense Haveteawilltravel. I hadn’t thought of it that way in this case, although it is pretty normal practice. Respect to vendors who admit clearly that they are just “playing telephone” when describing such products.

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bef said

Terre des thés

They have a nice selection of puerh tea from old trees. This one is made of very old trees, some of which are older than 1,000 years:

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bef said

Worth trying, indeed.

toby8653 said


I wish there was a like button for your “Heh” comment.

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Rasseru said

ive got tea so old its from the palaeolithic era, fossil tea leaf, oldest gushu in the world. yours for only $50 per cake.

andresito said

is this what they mean by “rock tea”

Rasseru said

Yes, actual phoenix mountain, if you lucky you get actual phoenix feather & get extra reincarnation for free

Zennenn said

Love this. Nice, light humor for a contentious topic.

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AllanK said

I have found some Gushu online that I believe to be genuine. This one from Yunnan Sourcing for instance.
And I bought three Ancient Arbor gushu from, one the loose does not list the age of the trees but the other two are listed as 500 to 800 year old trees. The prices are expensive as you would expext such gushu to be.
All three of these teats are expensive, so the price is about right for the market price of very old gushu. All three are extremely good and can go 20 or more steeps. I think I stopped at 18 steeps with these. The one from Yunnan Sourcing is priced right where you would expect gushu from Lao Ban Zhang to be too. This one I have yet to try but plan on getting a sample with a future order.

Babble said

If anyone can be trusted with correctly identifying their age, it’s Scott. And even he has said multiple times how easy it is to get swindled in this industry.

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