Perfect Teaware for the Office - Everlasting Teaware on Kickstarter

Hey Guys,
I’m always looking to get feedback from the tea community. So I’d love to share our Kickstarter Campaign with all of you.

Living in NYC now for over 10 years, I saw a huge need to have a good looking but also functional teaware set in the office. So over the past year, I’ve forged a relationship with a pottery house in Taiwan and over that time, we’ve crafted a really great set that works for the novice and also the experienced.
(For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been traveling to Taiwan since 2011 and only selling tea from farms that I’ve personally visited.)

Would love to hear your thoughts and hopefully you will like it and back the project!

Sammy – Founder – Everlasting Teas

1 Reply

I obviously didn’t see someone post a handful of days ago! now there’s two posts. sorry guys!

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