My 1st tea tasting video! Yunnan Golden Buds (Dian Hong)

Hello everyone!

I’ve made my 1st tea tasting video of Yunnan Golden Buds (Dian Hong). This is what Viktor and I could taste. I absolutely love these tea tasting sessions as they really allow your imagination to run wild & train you to sharpen your senses and teach you to be mindful, staying truly in the moment and enjoying every second.

What Viktor and I could taste is quite different to what Sasha could taste in his video, even though we were trying the same tea, which is exciting.

What do you think of this video? Am I allowing my imagination to go too far with my tasting notes? :P

Also, I’d love for you to share your experiences with Dian Hong – were you able to detect what I could/ anything further?

This is one of my favourite teas, so would absolutely love to know what you think! :)

Yulia X

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