MrQuackers said


I have recently had a chance to drink this. I was wondering if anyone else liked it.

There are 30 different varieties at one store.

What I like about Kombucha is the bubbles, and the mature taste of the beverage.

I don’t drink soft drinks, so it’s a good alternative. A little similar to non alchoholic malt beverages too. And reminds me of high quality Belgian fruit beer. (Which I don’t drink either)

Bubbly Tea!

8 Replies
Psyck said

You are lucky to have a lot of variety to choose from. There was only one place in all of India I could find that sells it. The scoby starter culture kits are available I suppose, but I don’t think I’ll ever take the trouble of making it myself – not now that I can get these 700ml bottles shipped to me for a couple of dollars anyway.

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Love making bouch at home in a water tap crock thingy. Never have to touch the scoby and the flavors improve over time as you add new tea.

Second fermenting is way fun too! Candied ginger and lemon peel, blueberry and lemonpeel, pretty much any fruit puree all are delicious and better than the store bought stuff.

Most of the store bought stuff has to be innoculated / modified to reduce the alcohol content and fresh homemade just tastes bettet.

MrQuackers said

Thank you all for replying. I have learned quite a bit from your replies!

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MrQuackers said

I found a starter kit for $25 bucks cdn today!

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Inkay said

I enjoy kombucha and have started making my own recently. I currently have a batch of black and a batch of oolong tea in second fermentation, half with mango and habanero, half with blackberries, ginger and cayenne. Currently have a batch of lincang raw puerh and yabao in their first fermentation. Look forward to seeing how they turn out!

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Yes it’s expensive to buy, but I enjoy most of the brands and flavors.

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Kate Bebe said

Hi guys, I’m new here and I’ve just noticed my post has been removed. Is it because I put the link to a Youtube video? I didn’t intend to spam all around here. Just wanted to share what I found and what I really love watching, so that everyone could enjoy it.

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Hey, I have been brewing Kombucha at work and have lived the results. This year, I started brewing Jun Tea and it has become an instant success. I have already doubled my brew batch and the SCOBY is coming along very well. I have put down my recipe for Jun Tea in a company blog. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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