Mystery Grab Bag Sale!

Greetings, my Tea Loving Friends!

I need to reorganize the tea studio immediately (if not sooner) and that means finding new homes for some of our teas! We are having a Mystery Grab Bag Sale – Just $7.50 per “bag” (well, the bag is imaginary, the teas are real though!) which will include at least one (1) large pouch of tea and the remaining pouches will be taster size.

This is an exceptional deal!

Please note: no special requests on contents of the mystery grab bags – all teas will be our choice. We can guarantee that there will be no duplicates though – this guarantee will be extended to up to 2 mystery grab bags purchased by the same customer. Beyond two grab bags purchased, I cannot guarantee that there will be no duplicates. This means that for just $15 (plus shipping) you can get 10 different teas! Regular shipping charges do apply.

Thank you for your support!

1 Reply
52Teas said

Oops! I meant to post that as 52Teas, not LiberTEAS – sorry guys!

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