mrbmrph said

Who drinks tea?

Gender, civil status etc.

For my research. :)

8 Replies

I’m a married female living in Toronto with my wife, if that helps! Oh, and I’m 26. She’s a tea drinker too, and she’s 24.

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Me thinks mrbmrph is another troller! Why do you need this research? What is it for? Are you a student at a university/college?

Cofftea said


Spot52 select said

Spam SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam

Cofftea said

Um well saying it like isn’t much better lol.

Spot52 select said

Probably not. But it did make me feel better. Lol.

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Deleting that probably didn’t help…but w/e. Do trolls even drink tea? If they do cool, if not move it along!

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I’m a married women living in montreal with my fellow tea drinker and husband. He is 26 years old and I am 33. We are drinking tea everyday of our life :)

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