Rasseru said

Would like some new sheng recommendations

I am after some new sheng after a hiatus of a few months..

Thick, aromatic, deep, complex, lively, colourful, crazy even, did I say aromatic? medicinal…? I can handle bitter & powerful

Not Yiwu, care nothing for qi.. or smoke, or too old woodsy tastes

The last one I truly loved was the jingmai in a pot from crimson lotus. for me it tasted like some kind of space fruit. I was really impressed, but it sold out during my poor months recently, i’m truly gutted :/ but i’m grateful because a bad pasty swapped some for some heicha, so i got to try it, and level up a bit with puerh knowledge.

Any idea of something that will knock me out with 3D taste? I want to come back here with a 100 review.

6 Replies
mrmopar said

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?! said

From the top of my head …
Everything you’ve asked for, minus the medicinal notes but it does the job anyway ;)

2016 Yunnan Sourcing “Han Gu Di” Old Arbor


mrmopar said

I have one of these stashed away. Seems I may need to get it out.

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Rasseru said

cheers for the suggestions. not too bank-breaking if I like them too. this is a plus

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AllanK said

Yunnan Sourcing is selling the 2017 Menghai 7542 that was quite good. Had it today. Definitely won’t break the bank.

Rasseru said

i’ve only ever tried that one aged, i’ll have to try the young one, cheers allan

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