Excelsior said

No Summer Flush Darjeeling for 2017

The present situation of unrest has crippled the picking of Summer Flush Darjeeling. There are some retailers that received their orders of Darjeeling before the unrest took place. But as this and many articles state, the Summer Flush Darjeeling will likely run out by the end of this year.


For some reason, I had problems copying the link to the article. You can cut and paste the address or someone with better PC skills than I can properly send the link to all articles regarding the Darjeeling situation.

4 Replies
Dr Jim said

Wow. That’s terrible on so many levels. Here is another, longer article:


also, https://www.ft.com/content/4b99cd54-62df-11e7-91a7-502f7ee26895

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Rasseru said

Oh that’s scary, I wonder if that’s accurate figures from every farm?

Dr Jim said

I do see some 2017 2nd flush for sale, though not a lot of variety (which could be since it’s early in the season). I also suspect that if some people are willing to ignore the strike, the higher-priced farms are more likely to be able to hire them.

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oasis said

Thanks for the heads up.

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