Kate Bebe said

Cheese Tea

Hi everyone,
are you familiar with the new trend of Cheese Tea? Have you ever tried it? I’m still hesitating whether to try or not lol.

11 Replies
Rasseru said

omg really? weird (just googled it)

doubt puerh cheese topping will be a thing in my house hahaha

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Kate Bebe said

Yeah, I was really surprised when I found it out on Youtube. Search for ‘Cheese Tea Czajnikowy’, there’s a really amusing video about it, and interesting, too. They say people are queueing for hours to get this crazy stuff in China, some new trend has appeared lol

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Someone just mentioned it to me a couple of days ago, and at first I didn’t believe it. She’s from Poland and also cited that video you mentioned (made by a vendor in Poland, but subtitled). Per the other article I turned up it was a new trend in China back in May, so maybe it’s died down a bit since. It’s pretty much just cream cheese blended into a tea, from what I’ve read, maybe topped with something sweet or salty to give it one more dimension. It sounds a bit disgusting. Then again masala chai might taste better than it sounds to someone, and putting tapioca pearls in flavored tea would have made no sense until that became common.

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Kate Bebe said

Yeah, the trends tend to be weird sometimes. Let’s see what they’re gonna come up with next time. [scared]

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Ralf said

This sounds terrible. I will make sure to not try it. I mean, if we are putting cheese in tea, why not go a step further? Why not add some other crazy ingredients? How about some olive oil? How about some tomato sauce? Add a little pepperoni and you can have pizza tea. Then you can sell the idea to Pizza Hut for a million dollars.

If you make pizza tea and make a million dollars, can I please have some of the money? I like money.

For a while, Red Leaf Tea carried a Cheese Pizza Matcha…

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heybee said

I have heard cheese tea, but I have not tried yet. I am also hesitating.

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Don’t hesitate, go get some cream cheese and stir that into your tea! Just kidding. I really have no interest in going there myself. The one Polish tea vendor video someone mentioned a few comments back goes into suggestions about how to make it though.

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Rasseru said
so this is totally a thing. its in singapore 7-elevens

I didnt buy it, now I wish I had. Will maybe try it? so weird, dairy-tastic?


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lupehk said

I can attest that it is really delicious. The cream is frothy and light and has a bit of salty-sweet taste going for it and the tea takes on different flavors when you combine it with the “cheese.” They recommend you drink it without a straw and just throw it back but if you use the straw then you can try it with different levels of “cheese.” It’s a really fun drink. Not really recommended for the dairy sensitive crowd but not any more harmful than boba tea.

Kate Bebe said

Wow that sounds cool! Thanks for the info, have to try it then :D

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