Coffee Anyone?

30 Replies

I’ve also been trying to remember for a long time which coffee it was that I’d tried that tasted like wine, berries and chocolate. It’s drove me nuts! Maybe Brazil Impanema?

That sounds delicious.

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verily said

I do enjoy a good cup here and there and I drink it like my tea, unadulterated by milk or sugar, but lately I’ve been off coffee as my morning beverage of choice. I think it’s partly the heat…coffee just seems heavier than tea for me and unsettles my stomach a bit.

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I do drink coffee, but I don’t enjoy nearly as much!! tea is so much more versatile, and refined!

MaddHatter said


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kuanyin said

I love coffee and only gave it up because I had too. I’m hypoglycemic and it was just affecting my blood sugar too much. It is much more stable with tea, although I can have an adverse reaction to a very strong black tea.

I started on tea fairly seriously (loose leaf instead of bagged) while still drinking coffee. but coffee almost always won out as my drink of choice. It is a tough habit.

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teatiemz said

I love a good cup of coffee, but I add so much sweetener and creamer that it’s probably too unhealthy for me to be drinking every day (I have this wonderful hazelnut creamer that makes the coffee taste like Nutella, which is irresistible). I have it a couple times a week in place of my morning PG tips though, and it’s a wonderful treat!

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Brittany said

I had coffee recently and I just didn’t have a very good effect from it. It was really good coffee- I mean, my boyfriend roasted his own green coffee beans and then it was freshly ground before minutes of drinking it, so it was as fresh as fresh can be. And yet, the flavor of coffee doesn’t appeal to me exactly. While it’s certainly a nice, robust flavor (which I need in the morning), I’ll stick to my Assams and other blacks. I crashed pretty badly from just one 6 oz…

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Ellyn select said

I love coffee! I drink both coffee and tea multiple times during the day. I keep fresh iced tea and iced coffee in the fridge. Like many posters above I like to try different types of coffee and different types of brewing methods and experiment.

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MaddHatter said

I am not as much of a coffee connoisseur as I am tea, which says a lot since I have drunk tea since I was 17? maybe earlier? and I have had some selections of coffees, but I am not able to discern the flavour differences. With tea, you can taste a clear difference between teas.

I will admit when I do have coffee I am a bit of a snob, it has to be freshly ground! I will NOT touch my husbands “red tin” or “blue tin” (whichever is on sale that week) coffee. When I brew it for him I can already feel the horrible coating on my teeth and tongue as well as the terrible breath and visceral panic attacks that happen with the elevated heart rate.

BUT, I do have some kicking horse coffee that is tightly sealed in a tin and tucked away for those rainy fall days, or when I have visitors, it is the perfect pairing to a dark chocolate and raspberry cake, after dinner. I also have a dedicated pot and fine whisk to make a frothy latte. Again though, like kuanyin, I rarely have coffee as it treats me terribly!

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Alana237 said

I have never really enjoyed coffee. It makes me jittery and the scent alone puts me off, but my father is as much into coffee as I am into tea. I even bought him a machine he could roast his own coffee beans in one Christmas. He enjoys a good pot of tea on occasion, though, which is nice as the rest of my family have never really understood our obsession with caffeinated drinks.

Gingko – “If everything else can be called “herbal tea”, why can’t coffee, which is made of perfectly botanic fiber?” Well said.

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thefundu said

I would say as both the things are different and nothing takes over. I too drink both, but with no preference.
Ethiopian Coffee of single origin is good to try as coffee originated here and so, there might be something special that kicks you up.

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