For those into Chinese teapots

24 Replies

Okay. I wrote a blog post to answer the questions. Take a look. Who do you think answered both questions correctly?

Nice blog! I definitely think @Spoonvonstup deserves the credit for best answering the questions. I love that tea can educate you on a wide variety of subjects, and that there are people such as yourself and @Spoonvonstup that generously share your knowledge so effectively and generously.

Hey! That’s a great example picture of an un-used pot next to a well-yang-ed pot. I love it.
Also- let’s acquire “yang” for the English language! We just don’t have quite the right word for it already, so I proposed we just use “yang.” You and I have done it.. soon, the world!

@EA Gerster- Thanks for the props. I never really meant to write so much; sometimes it just comes out. You never really know how much you know about something until you have to actually write it all down.

Great. yang is the word now. =)

@Spoonvonstup, by the way, if you don’t mind PM me your shipping address, I’ll send over the tea I promise. I’ll have a new shipment arriving in about 2 weeks, and I got some pretty good tea in it. So if you prefer you can wait until that shipment is in to pick your tea. It’s nice connecting with you. Hopefully soon in the future we have a chance to sit down for some gongfucha. =)

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