2018: How much will you spend on tea this year?

71 Replies

My tea spending for this year is already pitiful… and the year isn’t even over yet. * wails *

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Charmy said

Ive spent around 30$ this month and about 250$ this year. I wish i could spend more but majority of my tea budget goes to shipping costs.

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We’re long into the year and I’ve spent an unusually low amount what with my travel and laziness in general where it comes to tea.

I’m trying to get back on track with it as I miss the love of it I have. Am gonna be at the same hostel that has good tea making opportunities and just bought about £32 of tea that I hope are good… cross fingers for me!

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Theekje said

Hmmm, I’m not sure. I use about 7g of tea a day. I’d say I spend about €500 a year, mostly on tea. I can’t afford to spend a lot of money on teaware now. I buy small batches of expensive tea and larger quantities of cheaper tea.

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Cuphead said

Im spent about 200$ on da hong pao and puercha in this year! Drinking more and more tea year after year :)

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SooTea said

I’ve spend about 180$. My guess is that I’ll end up spending around 250$ this year! Mainly pu erh and oolong, and a little bit of black tea

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October- $27

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Leafhopper said

I won’t be participating in the Black Friday frenzy because I’ve already exceeded my yearly tea budget (and also have a cupboard, closet, and various boxes full of tea).

Hatvala: US$30

Camellia Sinensis: CAD$112

I am, however, going to buy myself some Taiwanese teas as a Christmas present on behalf of my generous but non-tea-expert parents.

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Bunnieh said

I’ve…actually only bought tea twice this year (if you ignore my shameful Starbucks addiction to London Fog lattes) since I’ve been focusing on drinking all of my multi-year collection down to a reasonable level.

So running total for the year? $106 USD

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thefundu said

How can that be calculated. We in India drink tea whenever there is a gap of discussion. So a day me be 3 tea or it may be 10 cups. There is no approximation.

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