TheKesser said

How do you change....?

I’ve been using Steepster for a bit now, but I don’t know how to change the number of times that you drink a tea. All my teas say I’ve only drank them once, but that’s not accurate. haha I can’t seem to figure it out though.
Any help would be awesome!

7 Replies
Uniquity said

If you do an additional tasting note for a particular tea it will increase the number of times you have drank it (so to say you drank something 10 times, you would have to have 10 seperate tasting notes). Hope that’s what you mean! : )

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AJ said

Well, you don’t actually have to type up a new tasting note. You can just give it a rating/click the tasting note button, and then click “write something later”.

Uniquity said

True, I forgot to say that you just have to make a tasting note, not fill it in.

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TheKesser said

Ohhhhh! Yep that’s what I mean. Thanks so much for replying!

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I had the same wondering a whilst back; then realized I must submit to new post of the same tea; but I have not notice that the count change, perhaps I did it wrong? No matter, most teas I have enjoyed are gone with only the box or zip-lock plastic bag remaining.

I am not quite sure of the rating aspect for Steepster…what is meant ‘click the tasting note button’? where is this? inside where one is writing the review there are two nodes; one for brewing time and the other for water temperature and once done you click the submit button or save for later; but I have not seen tasting button? Missed it somehow.

Is something else being discussed here; like why have not posted new tea etc. I am such a stupid person.

AJ said

Oh no, the tasting note button, I just meant press “Add Tasting Note”. And then you can press “Save This Note” or “Submit Something Later” (if you type nothing in the box, and then press these, it SHOULD update your number of times, but not post a note).

By the “rating”, I mean that, when you go on a tea page, under the picture of the tea is “Steepster Score” and “Rate This Tea”. You can press “Rate This Tea” INSTEAD of “Add Tasting Note”.

I just tried the tea rating as suggested; by clicking on tea image and then dragging the rating scale. I am not sure it likes me since it tends to lower what I say I like to lower scale even if I slide it furthest right.

I will just tag along as I have been doing. Blindly I go tea parings away but not a clue really. All this in denial to finding real employment. Society wants nothing to do with me so I am hiding here in tea land but not for much longer; funds are none.

AJ, great image of you and thanks for suggestion on using Steepster. Also, don’t materialize near me in life; most annoying when this happens since I imagine things; but annoying just the same. Sorry if not understood.

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