Tea Trade said

New black tea from Zealong - available pre-release...

I feel compelled to post this because it is just too good not to share.


Many of you have heard of or tried Zealong’s oolong teas since they started selling around the world about 2 years ago. One of the members at Tea Trade, who lives in New Zealand, has secured a small inventory of a brand new black tea Zealong will be releasing later this year.

This tea is not available anywhere on the planet right now except from him and if you’ve had the privilege of trying Zealong’s teas, I think this is a good opportunity to try something wonderful first. The price is affordable and he sends it direct from New Zealand.

Our member is only offering it to Tea Trade members (you’ll have to sign up to contact him), but it is looking to be a very exceptional tea and a tremendous offer.

It’s not being sold in our marketplace, but in a more informal manner through our forums (at the request of the company) and Tea Trade makes no profit from this. I plan on buying some myself, so get in touch with him before it is all gone!


Tea Trade

1 Reply
Dorothy said

So tempting… :(

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