Skysamurai said

Mystery Tea Box! -updated!

I’ve been thinking about making a mystery tea box for awhile now but figured I would see if there was any interest first! IT would be like a regular tea box with a twist! Each tea would be unlabeled. With each you try to figure out what it is. For example:

Unlabeled Tea #1
We see that is is somewhat dark emerald in color. (Tea leaves) IT has a grassy smell. When steeped it is grassy in flavor. We assume it is a green tea. Perhaps a gyokuro.

Once you figure it out or give up just look at the coordinating note card to find out what it is!

That is just a small, simple example.

You don’t have to write your findings in the thread unless you want to. This is just a learning and having fun box.

23 Replies

Sorry, I’ll pass, that would drive me insane not to know what I’m drinking. haha.

Bunnieh said

Yeah, same. It’d break my heart to find a tea I loved and have no clue where to acquire it in the future.

Skysamurai said

Oh no no. hahaha I am not so cruel that I wouldn’t include what each is. Each tea would be unlabeled but then with tea #1 would be card #1. if that makes sense

Skysamurai said

I’ve updated to include that. Sorry for the confusion.

Bunnieh said

Oh, that would be much better! I’d be willing to do that kind of box…

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Inkling said

I’m intrigued! I love TTBs, so I’d be interested in participating.

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Skysamurai said

Ok! I’ve waited long enough for replies I think.
So Inkling and Bunnieh look like they are the only ones interested and that’s fine. I have everything ready to go so who would like to receive it first?

Bunnieh said

I’m fine with either position, so I’ll leave the choice up to Inkling. I’m not on the road again until late Jan, so my ability to participate is open.

Skysamurai said

Ok awesome! Let’s give Inkling a day or two to respond and if no response by the end of day two I’ll just ship it to you so we can get the box moving.

Inkling said

Wow, didn’t realize you’d be ready so soon! I actually have a different TTB on its way to me right now, so I’d prefer if Bunnieh went first. :)

Skysamurai said

Oh yes! I’m excited for people to try this. I apologize in advance for my hand writing >.<
Bunnieh I went ahead and followed you so once you are ready just folow me and then send me a message with your address =]

Bunnieh said

Message sent!

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Irina said

I would love to be part of this! :)

Skysamurai said

Awesome! Then lets plan on you being after Bunnieh!

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Bunnieh said

I have received the box (yesterday)!

Today is super hectic, but either tomorrow evening or over the weekend I’ll poke through it – it looks really good from the first peek I had – and get it back on the road by the 26th.

Irina is next, right?

Irina said

I think so :)

Bunnieh said

Excellent. Shoot me a message with your address sometime before the holiday, please?

Irina said


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Hey, I might be interested in this sort of thing in the future. But I am brand new to this site. Can someone explain to me how traveling tea boxes work and what the rules and stuff are?

Skysamurai said

Welcome:) Traveling Tea boxes are fairly simple. Its basically a box of tea that travels around from one tea lover to another. Each person pays for the postage to the next person. You can basically sample whatever you want and depending on the rules of the box take out whatever you want as long as you add the same amount back in. Though everything kind varies depending on each boxes rules.

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Bunnieh said

Box is in the mail as of yesterday!

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Irina said

Received the box today, thank you!

Bunnieh said

Glad it made it to you in one piece! Sorry USPS taped the hell out of it – the lady at the counter was quite concerned that it might come open once she heard there was tea inside.

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