Reblends you have been asking for...

109 Replies
Cofftea said

I still have 1.5 pouches of cucumber melon green left, but I’m already putting in my request for a 2nd batch…no… I take that back- I want this added to the permanent collection. Yes. it’s that good. I do realize that there’s “so much tea, so little time” but this is BY FAR the best iced tea I’ve ever had and if it is not reblended I will absolutely mourn the loss of this tea. Ya hear that Frank, you’re gonna make me cry! lol

you’ve really piqued my interest in trying cucumber melon iced. How do you make it? I want to try it next time it gets really hot :)

Cofftea said

You could make the tea 2 ways:
1.) Steep as you would for a pot of hot tea, let cool to room temp and then put in the frige.

2.) Steep it in just enough water to cover the leaves so it steeps properly, decant, and add cold water for the rest of the volume. This will make the tea cool enough to put in the frige immediately.

I find that my frige keeps the tea quite cold so I see no need to add ice, but if you choose to add ice I suggest just making extra tea and using that for tea cubes. You could make conventional ice cubes, but then you’d have to double the amount of leaf you use to make the tea which would make this yummy (but hopefully not limited edition) tea run out twice as fast and double the price/cuppa.

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OK… well, I’ve already asked for this reblend, but, since I just saw this thread, I figured I’d make it “official” — I WANT Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana Rooibos. This is absolutely the best tea I’ve tried from 52Teas – and I find that so surprising to me on many different levels. First, I’m not a big fan of rooibos, pretty much can take ‘em or leave ’em. Second, I don’t really consider myself a big fan of bananas… can pretty much take ’em or leave ’em.

But… this blend is amazing.

I consider myself a “taster” for the most part, and when a tea is gone, I’m ok with that, but this is one that I’d definitely want to keep as part of my permanent tea stash. I am hoarding what little I have left of it… so PLEASE reblend it.

oh… and a little “PS” – I would really love to try the green grapefruit tea from Zoomdweebies… every time I’m at the site, it’s out of stock… there are a couple of other teas I’d like to try from Zoomdweebies too, but, I keep holding off on placing an order because I am waiting stubbornly for you to restock the grapefruit.

Meghann M said

PS-I really would like the grapefruit green to be available as well. This has been calling my name since I saw it listed on Zoomdweebies (but not in stock).

Cofftea said

I’d be interested in it too… eventually lol.

Meghann M said

@Cofftea, I’m with you on “eventually” I just ordered 3 more bags of various 52teas. I have no room in my cupboard. I better make a LOT of tea these next weeks.

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chana said

Eek…less than a week after I received my last order, I sent in another order – this time for a gift in a tea swap. It was all I could do to keep from adding “just a couple more” for me!

Sighing and dreaming of unlimited tea cupboard space and tea budget…

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Rabs said

So, I just had one of those “reverse zoom” moments of life. I received a packet of the Pineapple Upside-Down Cake from Kristin today and that’s when I finally noticed where 52 teas/Zoomdweebie’s/Man Teas is located. I almost fell out of my chair. Okay, so I was standing at the time, but I would’ve fallen out of my chair if I’d been seated. ;)

Wichita is the closest place to being a hometown for me. I lived there 13 years. WSU is my alma matter! It really is a great city. Now I must visit it in the near future and check out Zoomdweebie’s! I also need to save some money and join one of the “tea of the month” clubs :) Hooray! This just totally made my day ::does happy dance::

And you JUST missed us too. We were in Leavenworth this past weekend at the Kansas Sampler Festival.

We would be happy to see you at Zoomdweebie’s any time. (Well, actually, we are now only open to the public on Tea Tuesdays from 11-11).

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Dinastea said

What an amazing blend mate and chocolate! it must taste great!

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Okay guys, you might want to check out our in-stock page. I’ve updated our inventory and we reblended some teas and found an extra pouch or two of some others. Pineapple Upside-down cake is back. I have one extra pouch of Mandarin Matcha, one pouch of Black Satin and one of a few others. Also, we have more Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana in stock. Get them while you can!


oh frank, you dastardly devil you! (just bought 3 flavors of YUM)
cough Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana Rooibos

Meghann M said

I saw things were back in stock and purchased 2 more pouches, even though I’ve got 3 on the way from ordering last week!

Jillian said


I just ordered THREE pouches of the Chocolate Banana Rooibos this afternoon. Plus… the last Black Satin. :)

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Kristin said

Frank – thanks for adding more of the Black Currant Bai Mu Dan. I live in fear of running out of that one. Just ordered 2 more bags. You might need to add that one to permanent collection just for me. :)

Cofftea said

LOL! I feel the same way about my cucumber melon.

I was happy to add more of the Black Currant Bai Mu Dan for ME! :) It may very well end up in our permanent collection.

Unfortunately the problem with some of these blends (like the cucumber melon) is that I can get a small sample of the flavors I need (like cucumber and more recently the elderberry) and I will have enough to make 4-5 pounds of tea, but the suppliers that have some of these particular flavors expect me to buy in quantities such that I would have enough to make about 200lbs of tea or more. Still, if we get enough people who really want the cucumber melon back, I might just bite the bullet and do it. I wonder how that cucumber melon would be with the Bai Mu Dan?

Ewa select said

Ditto on the Black Currant Bai Mu Dan. I just want to hug it and drink it and love it forever and ever!!

Cofftea said

52 teas- put the cuc. melon on auto ship w/ my chai:) How about making a white tea base next time. I’d love to compare the 2. That’d make an even BETTER iced tea since white tea lowers body temp.

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OK… so I was kind of bored, so I stopped by your website to check out some of the teas from way back when… and here is a list of teas that I would LOVE for you to reblend! (Or if you happen to have a pouch stashed away someplace, let me know!)

~Persimmon Oolong
~Rocky Road
~Raisin Oolong
~Raspberry Chocolate RazzleDazzle
~Anise Biscotti
~Cherry Lime Rooibos

That is all.

Meghann M said

Oooh…anise biscotti. I second the reblending of that one….yum!

Cofftea said

I second Persimmon Oolong as I’ve never tried anything persimmon and the raspberry chocolate razzle dazzle as it’s my favorite ice cream flavor.

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Guys, I found ONE more pouch of our Champagne Mojito Green Tea ( I’m not even going to update the In-stock page, because I know one of you guys will want to nab this right away. I also have ONE pouch of DECAF Mayan Chocolate Chai. (We made up some DECAF chai assortments some time back and I think this was a leftover). Let me know if your interested (first person to message me here on Steepster can have it for $7.99). I still have to figure out how to work it out with the website (we never sold them individually. But we’ll figure that out. Let me know.

Cofftea said

I’m set on chai, but I would be extremely interested in the decaf version being reblended. The only decaf chai I’ve had w/ red pepper tasted just like spicey water and I’m sure yours is SO much better!

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Strawberry Zabaglione is BACK in a small reblend! Also, I incorrectly adjusted the inventory on the Jasmine Grey. I thought we were out, but we are not. Brain Fart So, I fixed that.

Oh, and the In-stock page has been updated again. We’re down to 1 or 2 of several blends.

Sorry. Last one, I promise.

Did I mention we found some Strawberry Matcha?

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