olestea said

Tea Market Study

Dear tea lovers in US and Canada,
I’m doing a market research for our new tea brand and would like to know your thoughts.

Please click on the survey link to answer a few questions: https://olesja520109.typeform.com/to/cmjBhi


8 Replies

Completed – I hope you find the information useful.

olestea said

Thank you very much! Very helpful

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Arby said

I filled it out. I’m a bit hesitant to try a tea if the brand is called Olestea though, since olestra has a bad history. I’m hoping the tea wouldn’t have any olestra in it.

the person doing the study’s name is olesja

Arby said

Fair enough. I still find it a bit off putting as a food product though.

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mrmopar said


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Leafhopper said

I just completed the survey. Good luck!

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SooTea said

Done, it was actually really fun. Good luck!

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