ashmanra said


I need an awesome caramel black tea fast! What can you recommend?

13 Replies

Republic of tea makes a decent caramel tea

Salted caramel puerh from Savoy tea too!

ashmanra said

I might be able to get my hands on the RoT in time! I had a request for caramel tea for a Thursday meeting and I have Minnie Mouse which is caramel and rose. I doubt Savoy would get here in time.

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Well, Lakumelli by TakeT is sold out, however another tea by them (with caramel cubes!) is: Kultakarkkisade — (I haven’t tried it)

ashmanra said

Looks wonderful, but I am betting it wouldn’t be here by Thursday!

Ah, that fast! Well, that is very unlikely. Maybe for next session?

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Dustin said

Salted Caramel from Arthur Dove?

ashmanra said

I will check them out!

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Closest thing I can think of is T2’s Terrific Toffee

The remains of my OLLDDD pouch are very flavorful, but newer notes from other Steepsterers might be saying otherwise, which means the flavor/production has probably changed over the years.

ashmanra said

Thank you, I will check them out!

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ashmanra said

Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions! Since I love caramel I will probably try most of these at some point when time isn’t so pressing. I went with Dammann Freres Caramel au Beurre Oolong since they can have it here by Tuesday. That gives me a chance to try it before serving, too.

I know I said a black tea but I compromised here because it can be here quickly and it is a roasted oolong.

Let me know, if you need help with ordering from Finland! Or, I guess it will be easier that I would make the order for you?

ashmanra said

Thank you, Martin! I am going to try not to order any more tea for a while as I try to get my oldest teas cleared out. I just needed this one for a special event! But I will definitely let you know if I need help with an order and thank you for the offer!

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