Zette said

Matcha - need online retailer suggestions

Hello All,
I need recommendations on quality Matcha retailers. I prefer retailers that are reasonably priced, with quality grade Matcha. I bought my first batch from a local retailer (Atlanta metro area) and would like to try other retailers (local or online) for comparison. I don’t think Teavana is an option – consumer reviews are too mixed. Looking for quality grade which I think means very bright green color, and not bitter tasting. Thanks in advance for your help!

2 Replies

Kaimatcha http://www.kaimatcha.com/
Their site is infomerical like, but their matcha is high quality vibrant green colour.

Red Leaf Tea has a good selection of matcha too, along with some higher grade matcha http://www.redleaftea.com/

Aiya matcha http://aiya-america.com/ I had them at a tea festival and it was pretty good

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Here are some of the best ones so far I purchased from online:
Direct from Uji, Kyoto, Japan.

Can not go wrong with their matchas. Beautiful color and not bitter like you are looking for. Great service too. Please select the grade according to your price. There are still many brands on my want list I have not yet tried so just giving my idea of the ones I already did and had good experiences with. Hope that helps!

www.o-cha.com – retailer
www.ippodo-tea.co.jp/en/‎ – direct
www.marukyu-koyamaen.co.jp/english/‎ – direct

Good luck and happy matcha! :)

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