Jason select said

Steepster iPhone App Beta Testers

EDIT: We’re filled all our beta tester spots. Thanks to everyone who signed up. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the iOS app.

Hi All,

Along with the new Steepster Select (http://steepster.com/select shameless plug) we’ve been busy working on an iOS app for the website (iOS7 required). It doesn’t have everything available on Steepster yet (but will eventually), instead it focuses on mobile logging and keeping up with friends through your dashboard.

We’re really excited about it and are looking for some people to download the beta version to give feedback and report any bugs they run into. If you’re interested, click the following link and follow the instructions there:

You’ll be asked to create an account for TestFlight, the service we’re using to publish beta versions of the app. Also, we have a limited number of spots for testers on our account, so we have to limit it to the first 30 people who signup. Once we have enough people who have signed up and added their device, we’ll release the latest version of the app through TestFlight and you should get an email notice from them that the app is available to download.

Just a reminder, it is using the actual data from Steepster, so anything you publish/do will go to Steepster.com. Also, there may be bugs/weird things that come up, so please be patient with us as we work through everything.

Thanks for all your help, looking forward to your feedback!

- Jason

119 Replies
Jason select said

If you’re interseted, also feel free to post here to give people an idea of how many people are signing up to beta test.

Dinosara said

Do you know when you’ll be approving the requests? I signed up and it says that the app will be available to download once my request to join the beta test is approved.

Jason select said

Just approved you! Once we have all the testers lined up, we’ll push out the latest version of the app for everyone to download.

Dinosara said

Great, thanks! I can’t wait!

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OMGsrsly said

So awesome! I’ve signed up. :)

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Jason select said

Make sure you add the device you want to use to download the app.

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momo said

I signed up last night and downloaded the link or whatever it is to my phone, now what will happen? It never really said anything about after that.

Ricky said

If you go to http://testflightapp.com on your mobile device, you should be prompted to register your device.


momo said

Yeah, I have done that so I was wondering what is next past that since that’s where anything in the email ends and when I’m in there it says there’s nothing.

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Courtney said

Awesome! Just signed up!

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Sil select said

Signed up but haven’t heard anything in terms of approvals yet

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I signed up way earlier today and no word yet!

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just signed up

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Just signed up!

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Kaylee said

Any plans for an Android app?

+1 please do an Android app.

moraiwe said

+1 Please!

Jason select said

Not in the works yet, but there are services that can port iOS apps to andriod and other platforms, so we’d probably look into that as a possible solution.

Uniquity said

Another android user here. No pommes for me please. :)

Tuscanteal said

+1… always apple that gets it first.

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