The Tea Game - Play to win free gift certificates and prizes!

Hey gang,

It’s Daniel, your friendly neighborhood, tea man. I would like to invite anyone who wants to play, to the Tea Game! It’s a trivia game to test your knowledge of the world of tea. You think your a connoisseur? Well, here is your chance to prove it and win free stuff. I will be giving out gift certificates to my tea company, Georgia Tea Company, and some other free prizes, like variety tea packs and maybe even a tea pot or two.

If your interested in playing, just comment this topic, “I’m In!” and we’ll be starting the game at, 7:30PM EST.

Rules: First to post the correct answer in this topic after the question has been posted, wins the question. Questions will become more difficult as we go along and the prizes will be worth more as we go along as well.

Good luck and I hope everyone has fun!

Daniel Mann
Georgia Tea Company

74 Replies
Cofftea said

I’m in!

Cofftea said

(This would work so much better in a chat room scenario.)


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Cool, hopefully some more show up! Heh. :)

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update, oopse “I’m In!”

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Hehe, nice. 29 more minutes.

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I have no clue how many frequent this forum, so who knows how many will show up.

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I’m here…sort of…lol… will try and be

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Hello there…who’s online now?

Cofftea said

Me, just wasting time clicking the refresh button. lol.

sort of

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Alrighty, I’m back, is there a chat room here?

nope :(

Cofftea said

I second AmazonV’s :( and I raise her a :,(

it’s like emoticon poker?

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Oh, okay, we’ll have to make do this time. But I’ll set up a chat room for the next one on my web site. I’m going to try and do this once a month.


ooo, i hope i cna play, i can always justify free stuff showing up in my full cupboard


Cofftea said

Ditto AmazonV!

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Refresh, Refresh, Refresh…lol..

Cofftea said

Reverse, Reverse! Like that song. Great… now it’s stuck in my head.

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