Is 'review this tea' the same as a tasting note?

Hi everyone!
I joined awhile ago, but am only really starting to use this site over the last few days, so forgive me for asking a probably very silly question… (I tried searching, but couldn’t find an answer)
When I click ‘review this tea’ is that the same as recording a tasting note, or logging what you’re drinking? If I drink a tea again, or want to record a different experience with a tea, I didn’t want to hit ‘review tea’ again if this was different than a ‘tasting note’… The last thing on earth I want to do is annoy other users on here, so I really didn’t want to click ‘review tea’ to log what I’m drinking if that’s the wrong button.
Thanks for your help!

4 Replies
Cheri select said

It’s the same as tasting notes.

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Thanks, Cheri.
Now I can log away without worrying about doing the wrong thing. :)

Angrboda said

And also, if you want to log something that you’ve had something but you don’t want to write anything about it, just skip the text entry field. I’ve seen a number of people saying they would like to be able to do this without knowing they could all along. :)

Thanks so much, Angrboda! That’s really helpful, since I want to keep a log of what I’ve been drinking, but may not always want to go into detail about it.

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