Spammers on Steepster

2521 Replies
AJ said

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AJ said

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AJ said
Jason select said

I’ve started the slow process of clearing out accounts based on usernames like the one you posted. Over the past couple days I’ve got ~400 escort related ones, but still obviously a lot to go. I probably won’t be able to get all the accounts, but I’ll take a shot.

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mrmopar said

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mrmopar said

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mrmopar said

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AJ said

While removing a few accounts, I thought I should also bring up this problem again:

Because it’s gotten worse. There is now an entire colony of spam-bots that are using Steepster just to make their profiles, and then linking to Steepster from Twitter, to link to their spam sites (I assume to get around Twitter’s filters):
Almost nobody who is posting a full link to steepster, on twitter, is using it for tea. Just spam profiles.

Jason select said

Thanks for sending that link. I know that’s been happening for a while and is pretty common for spammers, but I just went a cleared a lot of those out.

In general, I’m more okay with these types of spammers linking to profiles since they’re not actively messing with activity on Steepster (though it’s obviously annoying). With the limited time I have to clear this stuff I try to focus on the ones that are more active on the site and make the experience worse. It does always feel good to clear out a bunch though.

AJ said

Yeah, that’s fair. It is the weirdest kind of spam I’ve seen, though.

AJ said

…Aaah, that said, it looks like they’re also making database entries to link to:

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AJ said

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mrmopar said

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mrmopar said

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