Teaware lust?

1104 Replies
yyz said

I’m tempted by these today. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Onsale-Genuine-Jingdezhen-Hand-painted-Bamboo-hat-cup-porcelain-teacup-kung-fu-tea-cup-10-patterns/1739693540.html

As well I spent some time on this site recently. They have some nice and very cheap gongfu pots and Gaiwan’s as well as resealable bags as long as you’re buying a few items.

The little yellow flower is adorable! :)

yyz said

I love the lotus flower ones too.

I like the little bird sitting on the vine.

I was going to say that yyz, love the lotus..omg, everytime you send me on etsy I get lost in there…do you know another seller that woukd have similar items to this


(I meant to say AliExpress)

yyz said

I don’t TeaFairy isn’t it gorgeous though. It looks more like it’s jade, than porcelain.

Wow TheTeaFairy, that cup is so gorgeous! :O And cheap!

Yes, it’s one of the prettiest I’ve seen…cheap but…$17 shipping!!

yyz said

I know.. That’s why you have to buy a few things;). They have good prices on bags for swaps. The metallic ones start at 4$ for 50. They have some interesting teas too.

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yyz said

More than I’m likely to spend on a teacup, but isn’t this gorgeous?

On another note I am feeling incredibly sad for the Malaysian Airlines family and the families of those lost today. What an absolutely horrific year it’s been for them.

SarsyPie said

That teacup is amazing.

And you’re right. No one deserves so much sorrow. :(

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SarsyPie said

I had been eyeing this teacup for weeks and weeks, and was so hesitant because of the cost. This week, I finally bought it. I haven’t seen anything quite like it. Hopefully it’s just as lovely in person.


yyz said

The cups so neat. I hope you love it!

SarsyPie said

I think so. I love star/space/moon themed things, as well as anything lotus or cherry blossomy. This will fit right in with my awesome stuff.

yyz said

My father was an astrologer see we had a lot of things he collected along those themes when I was little.

Speaking of cherry blossoms, I just saw this cup.

SarsyPie said

yyz! You are really finding lovely things! I’m a little scared to click your links because I don’t need another tea enabler. :p

But I just love these cups! The translucent effect is really beautiful. :)

MzPriss said

OMG yyz – THAT is amazingly beautiful.

Oh and Sars I just clicked your link – that is adorable – so so pretty

mj said

Sars, that constellation cup is the best! So unique, I love it! (first time browsing this thread- I fear I’m in the danger zone)

SarsyPie said

Thanks, mj! Now run.. RUN!!! This is a very dangerous thread indeed :p

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This wasn’t a lust purchase, but I bought this today:

A few reasons. I wanted another color of gaiwan, just for when I’m in a different mood. And, my ideal gaiwan set is gaiwan with lid and saucer, sharing pitcher, and cups. I have had a lot of trouble finding that set up – except in really expensive sets.

So I saw this, it’s orange (my favorite color), has a built in strainer thingie so I can use the big cup as the sharing pitcher, and it has some “don’t burn your fingers” features which are nice. It’s more utilitarian than anything but I’m looking forward to it.

SarsyPie said

Too funny. I bought this one, a similar style, as a travel set


How do you like it?

SarsyPie said

I don’t yet. :p

Sorry, I should have specified that I just ordered it this week, so it’ll be a little while til I receive it. LOL. The style just looks so convenient for travel and I have a little case I think I can use to store the set, some tea, and maybe a measuring spoon of some sort.

I’m trying to compile a little kit that can go anywhere. Most of the pre-made kits had teeny little gaiwans and 6 mini cups. I’d rather have a slightly larger gaiwan and I just need one cup.

I got one of those teeny sets and haven’t used it yet. Each cup looks to hold about a tablespoon!

SarsyPie said

Looks like your new set comes with a case so it may be a more practical size if you need a travel set.

Sarsonator, let us know how it is when you get it. I’ve been eyeing that one for a while! :P

Awwww….so cute!!!!

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I love those. I have a weird thing about mismatched sets though, maybe one day when I have more tea ware I can mix and match them myself.

I love the third one, it reminds me of that “sky and earth” cup from Chawang Shop that you were lusting over! :D

yyz said

Very nice, I especially like the last two.

Dexter said


Uniquity said

I love them all. Beautiful!

Marz, I’m a total “shabby chic” teaware person! I have all kinds of mismatched, but somehow, it works for me :-)

Cameron, “sky and earth”, that’s how I’m gonna call it, perfect :-)

Yyz, this is all you fault, and I love you for it ;-)

yyz said

:-). On the other hand all though I have not bought any thing yet… I still might buy those cups above, and I am going to get some smaller teapots and Taiwan’s at the chawang shop and I am tempted to get another of these. As mine is crackling along nicely.

And they put this on sale today

SarsyPie said

Lovely, TTF!

Poor Dex… you really have you work cut out for you :p

yyz: That gaiwan looks so much like mine, but I got one with the white finish. The crackles are showing up along the edges, but it’s still a work-in-progress :)

Dex…sorry…Seems that I can’t resist tiny cups…

Thanks Uniquity, I am obessed with them!!

Yyz, this is lovely, I like them…hope shipping is reasonable…but I must stop now. Really.

Sars, she knew I was looking though :-o And I got a “best offer” price on all three and only $5 total for shipping! Woohoo!

(Dex, did I tell you you can totally get new tins???)

SarsyPie said

TTF: Way to get the bargains!!!

yyz said

Shipping is included. That eBay shop is dangerous TF.

SarsyPie said

Oh my gosh… they have a little maple leaf cup for my Canadian friends, and anyone who loves the syrup! How freakin’ adorable!!


Dangerous…oh yeah.

(Ghawwww….How could I not have seem that little one Sars???)

Aww the maple cup is so cute… Must have!

PRETTY! I love these. :)

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Dexter said

neat shape

yyz said


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cookies said


cookies said

This one too. http://www.ebay.com/itm/330723712094?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Not that I need another…

yyz said

The second one is gorgeous!

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yyz said

This is pretty http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Ceramic-kung-fu-tea-set-Po-single-side-handle-the-Korean-painting-flower-pot-horizontal-narrow/1019334_1980922855.html

I should really go to China town tomorrow to stock up on cheap teaware. It might get this out of my system.

Ok, this is just way too adorable.

ugh I love it

That’s way too cute!

Love this!

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SarsyPie said

OMG Cam… I just bought that Tuesday. It’s on it’s way to me. The seller even came down on the price a little bit :)

Holy crap, I just noticed the shipping price. Eek. You must take pictures of it in action! I will live vicariously through you! :P

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cookies said

How cute is this little thing http://www.ebay.com/itm/320945258015?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 It looks like a child’s play teapot. I might have to pick it up for sheer novelty’s sake.

P.S. It would be awesome if we could embed photos in threads!

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