Your Three Favorite Pu'erh Teas

59 Replies
tperez said

Hehe, epic thread revival! It’s interesting to see a snapshot of which teas were big three years ago and how it’s changed.

I’ll do an update:
-Young sheng: 2016 YS Shan Hou or 2014 W2T New Amerykah 2
-Aged sheng: 2007 W2T Repave or 2002 Yiwu Ancient Spirt from YS
-Shou: This is a tougher one for me as I haven’t been drinking as much ripe as of late… I guess my favorite that I currently I own is the 2007 Yong De organic from Mandala

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Philip Lee said

Yiwu tea!

Yiwu Huangpian reminds me of traditionally kettle-boiled tea up in the village:

The Wangong is my favourite gushu – aromatic, full-bodied, well-rounded

Aged cake from our own collection – you can really taste the new aged notes of this cake.

looseTman said

Disclosure: Philip Lee represents Yiwu Mountain Puer Tea Co.

Philip Lee said

Yes! thanks for the reminder! I learned tea through these teas and now sell them amongst many other great Yiwu teas. There are plenty of other great teas out there too, but only giving my personal opinion here as that was the original question.

tperez said

That aged Danggui looks wonderful!

looseTman said

Nearly $474/??? g cake!

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