The Simple Leaf closed :(

40 Replies

Oh no! That is terrible D: And I never got to try Dawn either, I was planning on ordering some once I found another job T-T

Dan said

Jenn, My wife and I live in Woolwich and have some Dawn if you would like to try it. I like their assam teas.

Really? That would be wonderfull! I’ll follow you so I can send you my address :)

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Marcus said

Anyone know their phone number? I am really trying to get in touch with the owner there. As someone said, I would hate for some of their wonderful teas to simply disappear.

Cofftea said

Email is best bet.

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Kristin said

Weird. They just twittered a link to this thread, but I don’t see any reply from them.

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TeaFrog said

Very saddened to see another good company close their doors. This is the second is as many months that I have seen close. Our best wishes for the future for the Simple Leaf owners.

It is very expensive to run a tea company. The up-front stock investment can be heavy, and if there is not a good turn over, well, the tea does not last forever on the shelf! (we aim for a 6 month max turnover on our teas). This highlights just how hard it is to grow a customer base, while balancing stock purchasing for a tea company!

Please please please, for the sake of all tea companies all over the internet/RW – don’t hesitate on purchases. First of all, you may miss out on a tea that you have been eyeballing, and second of all, each and every purchase, large and small, helps these companies out. So don’t wait if you don’t have to! Help out a tea company, and help out yourself too! :)

Goodbye Simple Leaf, your Honeybee Oolong will be sorely missed here, as will your presence online!

Marcus said

Who is the other tea company that closed?

TeaFrog said

Virtual Teas (was closed at the end of June – not a particularly well known company, but did pretty good business online for more than 10 years. The economy got them according the the owner. Really too bad.

AJ said

The Jade Teapot is another one that closed and will be dearly missed.

The Jade Teapot closed!? I missed that too! OMG!

Cofftea said

TeaEqualsBliss, I think a couple Steepster members had mentioned it before, but here was the official announcment:

Probably!!! I may have just forgot! LOL

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Jillian said

I sent an email query to the address provided on the Simple Leaf site. So far I haven’t heard anything. :(

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I’m closing too. But this was not a financial decision, but one for personal reasons.

IdentiTEA said


LiberTeas, I feel you there it was the same for me. I was about to introdue my frist new blend with Peach Mango fruit (its an actual cross between peach and mango but from one tree its like oh my lord)

I wish you good luck with everything and god bless.

Cofftea said

Dang that blend sounds SO good… :(

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Harfatum said

Huh, the website is completely gone. I emailed them over a week ago and have had no response… given that they linked to this post on Twitter and Facebook, this is very strange…

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Jillian said

I finally heard back from them a couple days ago and this was what they said:

Hi Jillian,

Thank you so much for your email, and my apologies for the late response. Closing the business was not an easy decision to make, and there were several personal reasons that played a role. While we are currently evaluating whether this will be a temporary or permanent closure, we don’t have any immediate plans to reopen.

Thanks for your support — I cannot begin to describe how much it has meant to me personally.

Best wishes,


The Simple Leaf Tea

So not terribly informative but it might not be a permanent closure, which is potentially good news.

Ricky said

Received the same email. The only difference is the name.

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Harfatum said

I also got very nearly the same email from them. Here’s hoping they’ll be back some time. And if you’re reading this, Nikhil, and have any extra tea you need to get rid of… well, I would be glad to be of service.

Cofftea said

Massive steepser select or contest!:)

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Lori said

Soooo sad- and I loved their teas. TeaFrog, you are right about hesitating to purchase new teas.. I was going to order from Simple Leaf this week. Arrgh! What will I do without Dawn? Is there another tea that has its distinctive chocolate flavor???

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