People screwing with the ratings in order to bump Misty Peak- NOT COOL

90 Replies

WTF?? this is crazyness :(

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Hello everyone,

This is absolutely ridiculous and is not myself or anyone that I know.

I have spent years on here trying to give away samples or run a completely honest and transparent business, the last thing I would do is rig the website or post faulty reviews. I have been sending samples for years and trying my very best to establish and honestly gain knowledge from those who have sat with this tea.

Please! Whoever is doing this, stop. Remove the listings, and please remove yourself from here if you are going to hurt other businesses and people. This is a tea community of friends and fellow tea drinkers, please stop or feel free to send me a message.


Thanks for weighing in!

Frolic select said

While I find it odd that someone random would do this I also felt it was out of character for Misty Peak Teas from the little I know of them. Thank you for commenting here.

I don’t know if Jason can check IPs or something to sort things out but any manipulation of the ratings creates a lack of trust in the system(which seems like the steepster overlords have put a lot of work into).

mj said

Thank you for commenting! I’ll post your response at the top of the thread. I think we all just want the rating system to reflect the collective honest opinion of Steepster members.

looseTman said

Relieved, and greatly appreciated Nicholas!

looseTman said

+1 “out of character” for Nicholas.

Thank you.

This is not the best way to start a day. Gives me a sick feeling to my stomach.

Not really sure what to do….

Frolic select said

You are responding with class and grace. It seems like you’ve already done everything you can do for now. Things will sort themselves out.

I think what you should do now is make your self a cup of tea and focus on something else until Jason can get back to you.

looseTman said

I’m sure it’s a nightmare for you.

Hopefully, Jason and his team have a “website image” prior to these shenanigans they can use to restore the Steepster Universe and our confidence in it.

Obviously, some sort of process improvement is definitely needed to prevent a reoccurrence.

looseTman said

“I think what you should do now is make your self a cup of tea and focus on something else until Jason can get back to you.” – Excellent Idea!

And don’t let these idiots ruin your weekend!

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Thank you kindly.

Any suggestions to get this fixed, lets do it. I am available all day and have given the moderator my direct line to try to help sort it out in any way possible.


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SarsyPie said

Thanks to Misty Peak for responding quickly. Hopefully Jason and team will get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime, I am just about dying from laughter at Brenden’s photo comments. Way to keep a sense of humor during an unpleasant event!

looseTman said

Yeah, laughter really is the best medicine.

mj said

+1 :)

SarsyPie said

I’m not glad this happened by any means, but some of those photos really just made my day. :)

That does not look sustainable. :D

SarsyPie said

OMG STOP IT!!!! I am at work and keep laughing like a hyena and my co-workers are looking at me like I am nuts!


Have you considered the distinct possibility that you are, indeed, nuts?

SarsyPie said

Every day of my life!!! LOL. That pic is awesome!!!!

Zombie Horror movie plot twist: Someone ate your son

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Whoa, Steepster Dramaz!!!

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weegeebee1 said

Maybe this a triple reverse conspiracy where it’s the other companies who did this in Misty Peaks name to draw negative attention to them??

Really folks. Welcome to the internet. Don’t feed the trolls. Just let the admins clean it up then go back to situ normal. Pleading common sense or fairness or civility will only make them angry.

boychik said

Well said. Thank you

Thank you for your words.

mj said

I guess I got too used to Steepster being the troll-free zone that it usually is…that’s one of my favorite things about Steepster. Props to the site administrators for that!

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SarsyPie said

You’re seriously out of control. :p

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mrmopar said

In my humble opinion and knowing Nicholas and his ethics to honestly allow many of us to sample his items for free in many cases I would say that this is not of their design. We all have our favorites and I have many but I say that the sellers I have dealt with on this site from a to z have been truly honest people that I am glad to say that have my respect. From Garret to Stacy, David and Nicholas to name a few i don’t think any of them would “manipulate” rating. I don’t think I have ever seen one of them actually rate and put a “number” on their products. Just honest sellers that offer their products to us. Sorry to be long winded but I do not suspect any of our good sellers doing things like this.

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Angrboda said

Might this be related to the peculiar emails some people were receiving a few days ago?

AJ said

I was wondering that too.

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The tea ratings appear to be back to normal, hooray! :)

mj said

Yep! I updated the intro to the thread to reflect this :)

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