52teas Pina Colada Honeybush is a North American Tea Champion!


We could only afford to enter ONE tea into the North American (formerly “World” ) Tea Championships this year, but I am very pleased to announce that our Pina Colada Honeybush placed THIRD in the Flavored Herbal Teas category! The tea scored an 81/100, the first and second place winners (honestly, I forgot what teas they were) scored 83 and 82 respectively. Go us!

23 Replies
Cofftea said

WOW! Only 3 more points and you would have WON… although I’m shocked the scores for the top 3 were so low… Idk what the competition is now called, your teas are some of the best IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Not that this isn’t an AMAZING tea, but maybe next time you should do a matcha since they are so rare… After seeing the grading scale on FB, I admit that it doesn’t sound like it would qualify for a score of 96 or above, but it makes me sad that they just barely consider this “Very Good”.

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Caitlin said


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Glamorosi said

What a wonderful honor – congratulations!

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Thanks! I’m so excited I can barely sit still. So much for getting any work done today. I might as well go play a celebratory session at the poker club. (After I finish posting the Tea of the Week, of course).

Sara, since you are reposting from Facebook, I suppose I should too:

Thanks, Sara! Their rating system is pretty stringent, and breaks down like this:

96-100 RARE: unique tea, difficult to replicate in future manufacturing processes

90-95 OUTSTANDING: a distinctive tea with brilliant style

80-89 VERY GOOD: a tea with superior characteristics

70-79 ABOVE AVERAGE: a tea with particularly desirable qualities

60-69 M EDIOCR E: a good tea, typical for its category

50-59 POOR: not recommended.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it might not be possible for an herbal blend to score very high.

Regardless, I am ecstatic that we placed and that it was such a close contest.

Cofftea said

I can’t WAIT to see the celebratory blend of the week! And maybe a sale on Pina Colada?:)

Heck no! We’re raising the price on it now! It has a pedigree. =) Just kidding!

-Jessica- said

@Franks – Bawhahahahaha! Now everyone at work is looking over at me for laughing out loud for no apparent reason =)~ Big crongrats though! Woot Woot!

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Jillian said

Congratulations Frank – that tea is amazing, so I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so! :D

Thank you!

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Janefan said

Congrats Frank! It is an amazing blend! I’ll have to have some tonight to celebrate (and to unwind after a crazy Monday!) The unwinding might not be an option until LATE tonight, so luckily it’s a caffeine-free blend! HOoray for Rooibos!

Cofftea said

Janefan, it’s actually honeybush. But yes, rooibos is caffeine free as well.

Janefan said

Oops – LOL! I do get them confused, but then again it’s in the name. Got a bit overzealous there… What can I say, it’s a Monday!

Cofftea said

Haha I did the same thing (possibly for the same tea lol!) I see “African” and my brain assumes “rooibos” lol:)

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What an honor! Congrats!

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See it wasn’t a risk at all. Way to go! It is a wonderful cup. :-)

Cofftea said

Unfortunately the fact that it wasn’t a risk meant it couldn’t get a score of 96 or above. :(

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LENA said

Awesome job! Congrats! I’ll be sure to ice a glass of your winning tea once I get home.

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Suzi said

That’s really awesome, Frank! Congrats!

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