Cofftea said

Bottled Tea: Health or Hype?

Art of Tea posted this WebMD article on Facebook. Pretty interesting.

13 Replies

I saw this in the paper today too. Just one more reason to brew our own!

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Pithy said

I thought this was common knowledge?

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TeaParT said

lifehacker had a link to the press release behind this at:

Do a search on tea while you are at the American Chemical Society for information about some other interesting tea-related studies such as (green tea & glaucoma) or (chamomile & diabetes), etc.

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This is not too a big suprize to me. they use the cheap tea to bottle. The tea supplier I was talking to before I closed kept wanting me to purchase by the ton at $1000 a ton for what he called commercial grade green and black tea.

this one is even less 1.28 per kg (2.2 lb)

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ZeusABJ said

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I had never thought of it until recently – people in my family, including me, have never thought of bottled tea as a tea beverage (although it is indeed tea). And this is the bottled tea I usually drink :D

I do believe healthy or not is all relative. Bottled tea is by far not as healthy as freshly home brewed tea. But on the other hand, it’s probably much healthier than most other bottled beverage. I would be glad to see more young people drinking low-sugar (hopefully unsweetened) bottled tea rather than sodas and sugar loaded ice drinks of odd greenish, blueish or pinkish color :-p

Cofftea said

I agree. There’s the health factors of the tea itself then the additives if there are any. Sugar, agave, and artificial sweeteners all bring them down different amount of notches on the healthy scale in different ways.

loupea said

Some bottled/canned teas actually have more sugar than the equivalent size of popular sodas.

Cofftea said

Scary, but true, loupea!

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Cofftea said

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Kaitlin S said

Antioxidants or no, pretty much every bottled tea I have tried tastes like crap.

Cofftea said

AMEN! Even the 1 brand of unsweetened RTD tea I’ve had did.

IdentiTEA said

I agree. That is another reason why those who are used to drinking bottled tea make the weirdest face when tasting real tea for the first time – the flavors are completely different. Then, what is really bad, is that they blame the real thing for tasting “different.”

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