Cofftea said


What is your method for resteeping? Same temp, more time? How much more? Different temp, same time? Changing both? Does it differ w/ different teas? Tell how you resteep different teas here!

8 Replies
Ricky said

If the water is still hot enough, I’ll use it. If it’s not I’ll reboil. As for the time, it varies depending on the tea. As I steep I usually do a little taste test. I try the tea at different time intervals to check the strength. If it’s acceptable, I’ll remove the liquid from the leaves.

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Rijje said

I make water in the same temp. but the teabag/tea usually stay a little longer in the cup. I don’t time my resteeping, I check the color and the smell.
My tisanes are allowed to stay in the cup, the Blacks are in the cup a longer time, the Greens even longer and the Rooibos have their sweet time coming up from the mug.
I don’t think that this info is usefull to you, but that’s how I resteep :)

teaINfuse said

I like the way you stated that at the end.. this is a great response..

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rabbysmom said

Since I usually just use bagged tea, I don’t resteep. However, that has changes with these Mighty Leaf bags since they are whole leafs and I feel like I’ll get ok results with a resteep. Same temp and a little more time – depending on the tea type. But I’m a newbie with this resteep thing!

Cofftea said

ROT’s (at least the Get Relaxed!) are great for resteeping. Have you tried loose leaf in bags you fill yourself?

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I use the same water temp but may resteep for a longer time, 30 seconds to 1 minute more per resteep depending on the tea. I do not resteep black teas.

Cofftea said

I do, but not nearly to the extent I do others. Maybe 2 or 3 extra infusions. Mainly out of guilt. The 2nd steeping is really the last one that turns out decent in most cases. But then again except for pu erh, blacks are my least favorite true tea.

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teaINfuse said

I like to resteep my greens up to 3 times i tried 4 and 5 but it loses it good flavor after the third.. on good high end oolong’s i have got up to 8 good steeping’s more I’m sure i just didn’t try it.. blacks one time and done on most Lapsang Souchong i get in Wichita i can get 2 steapping out of that is it way to week on a third. Rooibos and other herbals I have not a lot of cups in on those so I dont know.. but it’s all about your personal taste if you got a Darjeeling you can get 5 good steeping out of go for it I say and send me a note on where you got it, I want some..

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