kieblera5 This is not an authorized entry for a tea enthusiast. Your comment shall be reported to the Association of Fair Tea Evaluations for review in regards to your legitimacy for providing public feedback on products that fall under the online tea culture community. Such ideas are poison as you can see tea-junkie may end up deciding to follow bye example, in this case it would be a grave mistake as it could prohibit the ability to become a online celebrity among Steepster. This is only an online ‘citizens report’ as I am not an authorized user to remove content due to the stance we take against censorship, but we do believe in repercussions for one’s words
Question: Was the 11 +’s intentional or random?
I should go to bed, I shall go to bed. I will note that this tea had floral and honey notes with creamy listed as well; thus, I must try.
P.S. if you don’t find that comment semi-amusing, I apologize. If the comment is semi-amusing, please note I am exhausted and unable to sleep…
In my teadrunken stupor, I inadvertently believed that this was, in fact, eBay. The number of plus signs after an ‘A’ indicates the amount of positive vibes you get from an item. Typical feedback includes 8-13 plus signs as well as a mention of ‘five stars’ and a compliment on shipping/payment speed.
As a concerned tea drinker, I will be sure to post “tea friendly” postings as to not cross contaminate the online feedback platforms of various sites.
For any additional questions or concerns, please refer to this informative video:
I’ve been soooooo tempted to buy some samples from Crimson Lotus Teas lately because of reviews like this.
Planet Jingmai is all my wife wants to drink anymore. She’s drinking it now. She was drinking it yesterday. Thanks for the enthusiastic review. ___
Great idea!!!!
kieblera5 This is not an authorized entry for a tea enthusiast. Your comment shall be reported to the Association of Fair Tea Evaluations for review in regards to your legitimacy for providing public feedback on products that fall under the online tea culture community. Such ideas are poison as you can see tea-junkie may end up deciding to follow bye example, in this case it would be a grave mistake as it could prohibit the ability to become a online celebrity among Steepster. This is only an online ‘citizens report’ as I am not an authorized user to remove content due to the stance we take against censorship, but we do believe in repercussions for one’s words
Question: Was the 11 +’s intentional or random?
I should go to bed, I shall go to bed. I will note that this tea had floral and honey notes with creamy listed as well; thus, I must try.
P.S. if you don’t find that comment semi-amusing, I apologize. If the comment is semi-amusing, please note I am exhausted and unable to sleep…
It is very amusing!
In my teadrunken stupor, I inadvertently believed that this was, in fact, eBay. The number of plus signs after an ‘A’ indicates the amount of positive vibes you get from an item. Typical feedback includes 8-13 plus signs as well as a mention of ‘five stars’ and a compliment on shipping/payment speed.
As a concerned tea drinker, I will be sure to post “tea friendly” postings as to not cross contaminate the online feedback platforms of various sites.
For any additional questions or concerns, please refer to this informative video:
I’ve been soooooo tempted to buy some samples from Crimson Lotus Teas lately because of reviews like this.
Basically, there’s no way to go wrong with tea from CLT. Super friendly too :)
I may have to check them out!
Planet Jingmai is all my wife wants to drink anymore. She’s drinking it now. She was drinking it yesterday. Thanks for the enthusiastic review. ___
Happy wife, happy life ;)