227 Tasting Notes


Didnt have latte tea in like a week. It’s more of a cold weather drink…

I put one teaspoon of this one and like half tsp of their earl gray. And like half of cup of milk and sugar. It’s quite good…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I made tea from half a sampler again. Hope its enough to tell ;)
This one is one of those gentle breakfast blacks.

Leaves are nice black and yellow and totally twirled. Folks i think i found an amazing Tea company – and it was totally by chance…

Color is quite light for black tea. Smells very interesting. Kinda smells like it has milk in it :D Creamy smell.

Mmmm this is yummy! Another one i regret ordering just a sample ;) Best black I’ve ever had. Yumm. No bitterness at all. But you can still tell its black. Reminds me a bit of english breakfast. Its kinda sweetish creamy and earthy. Plus that awesome basic taste. Siiiigh… so good…

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

I’d already bookmarked this company from your last post when I saw the gorgeous tins. This note seals the deal that I’ll have to try them out someday :)


i love your pictures, NOM NOM


hehe i’m pretty much ready to arder all ofr teas in tins. Kinda think i’ll really like the rest of them too. Go visit their website and blog. Their founder makes awesome little video clips too…

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Giving it a second chance. OK it was the sink water that made it bad last time. Its grassy, smooth, just slightly oolongy – on the green side of it. I must say it tastes quite good this time. Really nice smooth taste. Very good drink when i want something plain and not sweet.
Very good rating. It’s a nice cuppa of tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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I got that package that got stuck on the customs office and that i didn’t even recall ordering. I was totally surprised with the content. Awesome modern tins and nicely packed samplers. Plus a nice postcard thingy and an actual short story inside one of the tins.
the short story thing

I picked one of 5 samplers with my eyes closed. Idk if the sampler content is for one or two teacups. I just read. It’s one teapot each sampler. I ordered the Introduction collection with White Silver Tip, Jasmine Silver Tip, Green Leaf Tea, Oolong, Emperor’s Breakfast. Plus i got a tin of whole leaf white and a tin of Lost Malawi.
took me 10 years to realize i got gay smurfs on my sheets ;) i just realized recently they aren’t inlove with smurfette

After opening the pack strooooong jasmine scent. But more flowery and less ewy smelling than some of the jasmine’s that i couldn’t drink. They said themselfes that the 2ns steep is even better than the first. We shall see.

I’ll leave half of it for another time. Looks too much. Specially considering my jasmine weakness.
Lets go…
1st steep 4 minutes
The color is very light. Almost none. Smell is gentle floral similar to the leaves just more delicate. Taste is omg yummy. Seriously. How to describe this. I hate most jasmine teas i’ve tried so far but this goes beyond. It’s the most floral thing i’ve ever tasted. Its so sweet and taste so frakkin good. That floral taste sticks in my mouth like a drug or something. I can’t believe i just fell totally in-love to a jasmine tea. But i did. Omg gotta go let somebody else try it. They managed to make a tea i love from something i pretty much hate. How awesome is that?!

This one is a must have! Too bad i just got a sampler. Gonna order more for sure. Till then i’ll have to steep out every yummy drop of this one ;)

Can’t wait to try their other teas. Rare Tea Company rocks!

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Between the Smurf sheets (which I utterly adore and somewhat covet) and the fishie teacup, and the super-cool tea packaging — I dub this a super-mind-blowingly-awesome note :D And hooray for a nummy jasmine!

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drank White Peony by Adagio Teas
227 tasting notes

OK i got this in teabags and it’s called Pai Mu Tan but ill log it here anyways. Should be pretty much alike.

Smells of dry tea is very herbal in a nice way. Leaves look well half like silver needle and the rest just looks like dry leave chunks.
I’m expecting to like it…
Tea is clear yellow and smells like hay or something. Like a farm with sheep’s lol.
Tastes quite similar to the smell. It has a nutty thing about it. Slightly. That I love. It also has a slight acid note.

I don’t like it like i like Adagio’s Silver needle but i quite like it. ‘Might buy more sometime’ category. Oh and it’s quite strong flavored for a white tea. Nice aftertaste tho…

165 °F / 73 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Bourbon Vanilla by Ronnefeldt
227 tasting notes

Archimedes, Pascal, and Newton are playing hide-and-seek.
Archimedes covers his eyes and starts counting.
Pascal looks around and hides behind a bush.
Newton grabs a stick and scrapes a one meter by one meter square in the dirt and stands in it. Otherwise he does not hide at all.
Archimedes opens his eyes and looks around. Of course, he immediately sees Newton and calls “I see Newton”
Newton calmly says “But hang on, one Newton in a square meter is a Pascal!”

Ain’t that the like nerdiest joke ever?

New try. Less tea and really short steep. OMG it takes aaaages for the tea to cool down now that the summer has finally started. I took my first swim yesterday. It was awesome.

Yep this is a way to make this tea. It’s still a tad bitter in the end but it has nice milder flavors. Solid but not likely i’d buy it again…

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

I giggled at the joke :)


lol so did I :D

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This might finally be one of those oolong you all brag about ;) Leaves cant be compared to those i’ve had before. These are beautiful. Long twirled in little balls.

Even this one smells slightly like the other two i had these days from TeaGschwender dragon well and kukicha. Idk how come. Maybe they all came from the same region or something. Even tho this one would be expected to come from Sumatra hehe.

I’m starting with the second steep this time. Color is quite bright yellow to greenish. Doesn’t taste like usual oolongs at all. Idk how to explain the taste. Let me try the first steeped tea. Feels very under steeped. I should have probably put more oolong in it or steep it longer. Right now i find it very undefinable.

It’s very mild. Even if it was a white tea i’d say it too mild. And i’m getting taste of what feels like chloride which i don’t like. I used water from the sink. Maybe its the bad water day. Hope so. Hope it’s not in the tea. No rating cuz im too confuzzled at the moment about this one.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank White Melon by Ronnefeldt Tea
227 tasting notes

Oh Rabs this one is specially for you ;)
When Shakespeare wrote “to be or not to be”, Chuck Norris answered “that’s up to me”.

Tea… Sweet. Literally. In a best possible way.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Tea-hee!!!!! That’s awesome!

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Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.

Morning after (fact that it’s past noon is just a technicality today – i heart holidays) – 3rd steep. Oolong is pretty much gone. Its still peachy. I would have expected it to be the other way around – peach gone and oolong still here. Oh well. It’s OK to drink but very much different than the 1st steep…

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Bourbon Vanilla by Ronnefeldt
227 tasting notes

Chuck Norris doesn’t have disk latency because the hard drive knows to hurry the hell up.

Lately i almost never put sugar into my teas but this one is kinda asking for it. At least when i make it stronger like i did this time. It starts with a slightly bitter note but in a good way. Later the other flavors come out and leave a nice aftertaste. Think it would be good with milk and sugar or honey.
Lets see…
Brown sugar first. Hmmm not really – it was better without. I think i over steeped it this time or put too much tea in it. Cuz its still bitterish.
One milk creme going in. Well better than without. Not ideal.

So the recipe for this one is to make it either under steeped or short with latte and honey.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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born with a bit of a restless, curious and exploring spirit ;) love to travel and i do it a lot lately. enjoy good food and drinks. love trying out new stuff. just about to start exploring the world of teas and i’m really enthusiastic about it ;)

EDIT 4 months later:
still a n00b here but starting to get it ;) i try to buy loose tea but i got a lot of teabags too cuz it’s easier to find here. from not liking black tea ended up love it. green can be quite good too but waiting for more real ones to try. whites are sometimes awesome, sometimes not, rooibos and fruity blends are a good replacement for juices… and so on… still excited about every new tea… loving it more every day :D

since my favorite hobby is photography i take photos whenever something is interesting. including my tea making process…

Rating system (i’ll try to use it from now on):
0-20 sorry, can’t do it. ewwy
20-50 i’ll drink it if i have to, i f not no ty
50-70 its not bad, quite drinkable
70-85 i like it, might buy more
85-100 gimme more of this stuff


rijeka, croatia

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