CS, why do you tease?
Many moons ago, it was the ‘afterdinner teas’ that seduced me into the wide world of tea. They addicted me. Hook, line and sinker. But they I was an innocent American, arriving years after the big tea party of Boston, not knowing that the hot drink my soul yearned for was tea.

I loved this one, along with vanilla hazelnut (but of course chocolate raspberry was my love among them). But I moved off to university and these three were put in the endangered species list.

Then this past few years they were back. Teased and taunted and promised to never leave me again. So, I bought a bunch, rekindled my love and guess whats…..discontinued again. Really!?!?!?!

This one is very sweet (the way I like everything) and caramelly. Maybe not peanut brittle disolved into a cup, but on the toffee side I’d say its nearly so. Anyway, do say this is worth a go, and if you are picking up one for yourself….well grab one for me (you know I am good for it) ;)

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Teatastic little me,
Lives by the sea
Cannot help but sip a cuppa or three.
Suppose its not so bad since at the end of the day
I’ll have a happy kidney.



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