Well, I don’t think I am going to put a number rating on this one – it’s not overly tasty on my taste-buds but it is an herbal so if the herbs do their job I would hate to give it a bad rating. I’m not saying it’s nasty tasting…just not my fave herbally type taste, I guess.
I can taste the Pau D’Arco mainly, with the Hibsicus thrown in for color and tarty-fruity flavor to help counter act the herbal taste, I suppose.
I have read that Pau D’Arco helps as a natural antibiotic and I think my wisdom tooth is starting to flare up again…thought I would try it…see if it helps. Also…I know this is an Immune Booster – who couldn’t use a little Immune Boost every now and again.
I think I actually like this one better cold. I had a half cup hot and the other half cold.