I’m really trying to remain open-minded about this (and other Pu-erh’s) BUT…with it smelling like a creek bank with a peppermint field next to it and the color of a muddy tar looking color – it’s HARD.
Pu-Erh is the first and foremost scent in this…then the peppermint. I can also smell cinnamon, licorice, and vanilla…
Bottoms Up!
Thankfully the Peppermint shoves it’s way thru for the taste and is the main flavor. I can taste a little bitterness of the Pu-erh underneath. I can also taste licorice and cinnamon but can’t really tell which ingredient is winning the taste war. I cannot taste Vanilla even if I cross my eyes, tie one hand behind my back, and look to the sky.
Surprisingly I think I will be able to finish this one, tho. It’s ok. Nothing I would EVER purchase for myself but certainly glad I got to sample it and will most likely be dishing some out in swaps, etc. But all-in-all…somewhat drinkable – thanks to the mint!
I think too many tea company’s just cant leave a tea alone. They have to throw Vanilla or some other scent in with the tea. I think if a tea cant stand up for itself no amount of gilding the lily will make it drinkable Just my humble opinion.
I think too many tea company’s just cant leave a tea alone. They have to throw Vanilla or some other scent in with the tea. I think if a tea cant stand up for itself no amount of gilding the lily will make it drinkable Just my humble opinion.
Hmmm…I haven’t tried crossing my eyes to help figure out a tea. I shall try that next time! ;)