I’m not a big fan of Chamomile by itself and I am picky about Chamomile when it’s with other things…BUT…on the other hand I LOVE MINTY things so I am hoping the mint cancels or at least helps out the Chamomile in this case.
It smells like a gentle mint mixed with Chamomile – pleasant enough, I suppose.
I will say that the Chamomile is the flavor in front but then the lemon balm is quite strong too…I would say it’s more balmy than lemony…somewhat like chapstick if you were to lick your lips…waxy, maybe? But then there is a little minty-goodness that gives it a little light at the end of the tunnel.
I wouldn’t run right out and purchase this but it’s a doable late night tea. The Lemon Balm and Mint help tone down the stereotypical Chamomile so those, like me, who aren’t really into chamomile in the evening – or any time – may find this one a little easier on the palate.
Not bad.