Irish Cream Cheesecake

Tea type
Black Tea
Calendula, Cornflower Petals, Marshmallow Leaf, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Organic Sourenee Second Flush
Creamy, Irish Cream, Cream, Earth, Grapes, Nuts, Muscatel, Nutty, Tangy, Butter, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by hapatite
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 328 ml

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72 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Another comforting Butiki tea to get through my snowy snowy day at work :) This might be my favorite from the new batch of flavored teas just released…they have all been wonderful though!” Read full tasting note
  • “This one turned out perfectly this morning. The lower temperature really is the key I find. This one has been finicky for me in the past, but when it works out I absolutely love it. I’ll definitely...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m home with all my teas! I’ll be honest, that was the first thing I looked at when I walked out the door. I’m not ashamed. Also, my Breville turned 3 yesterday! I do love my little tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hm. It smelled good dry. But I honestly got nothing but tea taste. No cream, no cheesecake, nada. I tried adding a bit of sugar but that just made it sweet tea. I need to try this at home. I had...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Irish Cream Cheesecake pairs our Organic Sourenee Second Flush with a rich Irish Cream flavor. The cheesecake notes can be detected towards the end of each sip. The slightly earthy but chocolate base tea contrasts the intense creaminess that lingers long after each sip. This tea is decadent even without sugar. With sugar, the sweet creaminess is intense but the cheesecake becomes more prominent and balances the flavor so that it is not excessive. We recommend drinking this tea hot. As it cools, more water may need to be added if a slight bitterness occurs. Please research all precautions before consuming any herbs (marshmallow leaf).

Ingredients: Organic Sourenee Second Flush, Organic Cornflowers, Organic Calendula, Organic Marshmallow Leaf, Organic Natural Flavors (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 205 F

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72 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

Another comforting Butiki tea to get through my snowy snowy day at work :)

This might be my favorite from the new batch of flavored teas just released…they have all been wonderful though!


I’m so excited to get this one :)


Me too!!


this is my favorite of the new ones so far too. yum!


I’m so glad to hear this! I have some coming.

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1394 tasting notes

This one turned out perfectly this morning. The lower temperature really is the key I find. This one has been finicky for me in the past, but when it works out I absolutely love it. I’ll definitely be ordering the reblend, and possibly more of this one before it’s gone. Does anyone know when this blend is on it’s way out?

Also, this is my first tasting note to check out the upgrade and all these options are handy! The amount of tea and water volume are a delight.

Flavors: Cream

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 15 OZ / 443 ML

Don’t give me the rest of yours then! Keeeep it :)


I so rarely reach for it, I was searching for a perfect replacement for Taiwanese Wild Mountain for my morning cup, and then it steeped up so perfectly. :)


I didn’t know Stacey was reblending this. Any idea what she hopes to do differently?


I’m really not sure keychange – here is the link to her note on some upcoming changes :)

Butiki Teas

The current batch is already gone. I really like the flavor combination but I think this tea is really too picky and perhaps a little too aggressive for most people so I will be looking for a more agreeable base. I’m still undecided whether I want to choose another black tea or perhaps take it in a different direction. We just got in another Assam (not the Hattialli) but one that is similar to our Dinjoye but even more chocolatey. I will be trying that as a base and a few other teas as well. We are always open to suggestions.


Ooh that base sounds like it could be tasty. I look forward to whatever you come up with, I’m sure it’ll be delicious. I personally love black teas, so I’m all for a black base haha.

Butiki Teas

That new Assam could be a winner. I’m definitely picturing it now and also possibly our Keemun which is a pretty gentle black tea though I was also thinking about maybe trying it as a white tea.


I’m all for the Assam. :) Although both your Cantaloupe & Cream and Watermelon Xylophone are quite tasty with the white base. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Keemun tea – does that have a smoky element to it?

Butiki Teas

This particular type of Keemun is not smokey. Its actually somewhat sweet.


The all sounds promising. I can’t wait to see what you end up choosing, I’m already planning out my next order.

Butiki Teas

Good to hear that they all sound promising. :)

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863 tasting notes

I’m home with all my teas! I’ll be honest, that was the first thing I looked at when I walked out the door. I’m not ashamed.

Also, my Breville turned 3 yesterday! I do love my little tea machine. To honor it, I went ahead and steeped a tea I hadn’t had before while watching the Downton Abbey Christmas special. I’d been dreaming about this one for the past few days so I it was the one I went for.

The dry leaf is so pretty! I love the green and the blue. It also has a nice creamy vanilla smell – almost caramel. I steeped it at the below parameters as recommended, with no additives.

I do get the distinct scent of Bailey’s in the steeped tea…Bailey’s in combination with the smell of Taiwanese Assam, so it’s pretty amazing and comforting on a cold night. The first taste was initially kind of disappointing – it was strong and a touch astringent. I think it would have benefitted from milk, if we’d had any, or sugar, if it hadn’t been all the way across the room from me, haha.

But as it cools it actually seems to get a bit smoother. I pick up more on the irish cream though not so much on the cheesecake. It hasn’t stopped me from powering through the cup, and I suspect when I do add some sugar to future cups I will love it that much more.

Ah, so good to be home, just in time for the New Year. Maybe I’ll have time for one last cup in 2013…

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I love that Steepster always makes me feel less loony about bringing half a suitcase’s worth of tea to Rome. And after my travels, I am always so excited to be back with my adjustable temp kettle, haha. Happy new year!


Oh yes, a stovetop kettle was killer during my week and a half trip.

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790 tasting notes

Hm. It smelled good dry. But I honestly got nothing but tea taste. No cream, no cheesecake, nada. I tried adding a bit of sugar but that just made it sweet tea. I need to try this at home. I had this at work with filtered water and sometimes I find I like teas better and notice more flavors with my tap water at home, as weird as that sounds. So no rating for now.

And I now have to make a cheesecake this weekend.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

hmmm this one is on it’s way to me…thankfully!

Terri HarpLady

I didn’t order any of this one. Honestly, I can’t remember what I ordered! LOL!


i have um 16? teas on the way from stacy….

Terri HarpLady

Thanks to recent sales of my Christmas CD, I am amassing a favorable balance in my Playpal account, which I use to get teas from Stacy, Garret, & my new friend Erik (A&D Damn Fine teas!).


16 beats my order and it makes me feel better about my shameful Black Friday buying. :)


Hahaha in total I think I bought about 49 teas….


i tend to see this one as more of a breakfast treat, when you want nice black tea first thing in the morning, with just a whisper of treatiness.

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513 tasting notes

I was really excited to try this tea, although I have to admit that I wasn’t exactly sure what to anticipate. I like Baileys and other Irish cream flavoured things, but I don’t know that I can specifically conjure up “Irish cream cheesecake” in my mind. But I love cream, I love Baileys, and I love cheesecake, so why not?

I stuck to the suggested brewing parameters, and when I first inhaled after steeping, it almost smelled like caramel vanilla assam, but not quite. Much more potent, with an almost coffee-like after-sniff. The brewing guide is spot on when it suggests you enjoy this tea hot, because the astringency creeps in really, really quickly, and somehow just takes over. even with cream and sugar added, I wasn’t quite able to finish the cup. I didn’t really get cream or cheesecake from it, although I don’t know that I really had much of an opportunity to detect it because the bitterness took over fairly quickly. I’m going to try it again though, and do a bit of tinkering, but as of now, I’m fairly certain I won’t be reordering (which sort of comes as a relief, as my next Butiki order is already getting expensive!)


I was going to say Cheesecake Factory has an Irish Cream Cheesecake but it is a Kahlua Cocoa Cheesecake. Now I want cheesecake…


The Cheesecake Factory is pretty much one of the best places in the universe as far as I’m concerned.


Agreed. I may or may not be madly in love with their Carrot Cake Cheesecake. It is a tad bit of an obsession.


Good thing I don’t have a Cheesecake Factory even remotely near me, because it is AMAZING!


I have yet to try that one, but I fully intend on it! and their Louisiana chicken pasta….nom!


My family will literally drive like 2 hrs and cross the Canada/US border to get cheesecake factory for dinner.


I need to write a note for this already. I too don’t get Irish Cream cheesecake.


There’s little I wouldn’t do to get to the cheesecake factory, myself. And yeah, if I lived near one, I’d be like 5’3 by 4’11.

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16863 tasting notes

Sipdown (191/196)!

I don’t think people understand that when a store closes at 9PM that doesn’t mean the employees go home at 9PM – it means that’s when we get to start closing; and for a big store like Dollarama it takes quite a while to close. Christ.

So, today at 8:55PM we had a lady come in and start shopping – FIVE MINUTES TO CLOSING. That wouldn’t have been such a big deal if she was just quickly grabbing one or two things – but that wasn’t the case; instead she had to do all her grocery shopping and buy all the stuff for her wedding: a few hundred fake white/yellow flowers, all our champagne flutes (which we have to wrap individually), place settings…

And because we weren’t closed yet we had to let her shop and stay open until she was done. Ughh! We didn’t even get to start closing until 9:40! Because of her me and my closing cashier both missed our buses. At least I’m within feasible walking distance: I felt really bad for Ruby though because this late at night the buses only stop by once an hour so she had to wait an extra long time to get home.

Fuck people.

But anyway; I finished this off in my timolino with milk today. Scratch another Butiki blend off the list, as well as one less black tea in my cupboard meaning more space in the closet for black blends! Hooray!

I’m not to sad to see this go; it’s way to hard to get it right. I don’t want to waste more time on it trying to perfect brewing it – so goodbye Irish Cream Cheesecake. It was an experience, at least…


Oh, that is so frustrating. I hope your co-worker got home OK.


You need to can an ok from higher up to be able to post a sign stating that after 8:45 pm you csn only accept orders of 6 items are less!


That is soooo annoying. :| Aren’t you allowed to tell her at 9 that, “Sorry, the store is closed. Can you please come up to the till so we can check you out?” I’ve had a few customers screw me over like that as well, but they generally don’t stick around more than 5-10 minutes afterwards…


Those people are the WORST. Like you have nothing better to do than wait around and serve them. The kind of person who has no respect for others or their time

Butiki Teas

Wow, so inconsiderate. Some people only think sbout themselves.


Inconsiderate she is! Sometimes the customer is NOT right…


(channeling Yoda today)

Roswell Strange

I’m pretty sure those types of people are the ones who’ve never worked a guest service/retail job themselves… :/


At the store I worked at, we started closing the tills at 9 so someone like that would be unable to make their purchase as the register was closed. Also, working in retail, I quickly learned how horrible customers can be. I mean, I once had a lady tell me to “go f*** myself” because I told her we stopped selling the comforter set she wanted two years ago. And when I apologized for the inconvenience and told her next time she should feel free to call us before making the drive to the store and we would be happy to check to save her the trip she told me to “f*** off” and then told her son to drop everything he was carrying on the floor.


Do you not have some sort of ‘we close in five minutes, please make your way to the tills’ call out or something? We do here. In Denmark, that lady would have been told (politely of course) that it was very close to closing time.

Roswell Strange

We’re not allowed to do a final call; store policy is to close at nine if no one is in the store but if people are still shopping to allow them to do so, uninterrupted, until they’re finished. @VariaTEA – I’ve definitely experienced that, and it really sucks. I’ve had people throw stuff at me because they can’t return/exchange it (Dollarama has a strict no returns or exchanges policy that’s advertised on all entrances and printed on every receipt). The best is when they ask/demand to speak to the person in charge: 9/10 that happens to be me, since I take over command of the store once my manager goes home for the day, which is usually half an hour after I’ve started my shift.


People are the worst. And the final call thing is sort of bullshit since employees shouldn’t have to stay just because people are inconsiderate.


That’s brutal. :| And it’s poor policy for your store. I can see someone being completely oblivious to closing time and would be completely understanding about hurry the F up, (and I can also see others who wouldn’t care.. but why not weed out those that do?)


The best is when they ask/demand to speak to the person in charge: 9/10 that happens to be me,
So, when that happens, do you go away and come back immediately and ask what the problem is? :p

Roswell Strange

@Angrboda Man that would be hilarious; but I think would often piss them off even more :P


Probably… It’s the sort of thing one wishes one dared to do. :p

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1792 tasting notes

I’ve had this twice before but still don’t know what to make of it. I wholeheartedly agree with keychange that this kind of smells like the Caramel Vanilla Assam. To make that even stranger, CVA (and David’s Buttered Rum) had a powdered cheese kind of smell, so in a way, it makes sense that this smells like that. Maybe it’s the creamy/vanilla notes used in these types of blends which do that to my nose.

I made sure I let the water cool down before steeping, as the tea was a little astringent the last couple times. Cooled down water (probably around 90°C) and no more than three minutes… aaaand it’s still on the astringent side. Quite bold. Nothing wrong with that but I was hoping for some Irish cream and/or cheesecake, and I don’t get either, unfortunately.

Different city, different water too, and the results are the same. Perhaps my taste buds are more sensitive to the base? I’ll keep trying, but for now, I’ll add some biscotti-flavoured Bailey’s and guiltily not do any work.


I find this one finicky, but when I get it right, I love it. :)

Roswell Strange

You’re all making me want to pull this one out again with this crazy cheesecake talk… But when I had it last I didn’t taste cheesecake at all :(


What do you find works the best?


I’ve only gotten it right twice so far, so I’m not so sure I’m the best to ask. The water here is hard, but I let the kettle cool for maybe 1-1.5 minutes then pour. I set my timer for 2.55, my logic being that 5 seconds could be me running from another room to remove the infuser, and I think the real key is to drink it while it’s still hot. Once it’s cooled, the astringency really comes out I find.


I’m going to try this one again too, but I’m scared of that astringency as well. I don’t like chugging my tea when it’s piping hot, because I don’t really get to enjoy it as much that way. Ah well, you can’t love ’em all, I guess. Shorter steep next time maybe?


It sounds like I basically did what Courtney did except let the water cool just a bit more. Hmm. But a shorter steep, may help, for sure. I’ve found it quite astringent when it’s piping hot too.

But ultimately, exactly, you can’t love ’em all.

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1598 tasting notes

Huh. To be honest I didn’t expect to like this because I’ve had bad luck with cheesecake flavoured tea, because… how do you do that? It’s a subtle thing to recreate!

But this worked! It was light and fluffy and creamy and tasted a little sweet and a little like irish cream.

I’m happy I was able to snag this from ShadowFall!

1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

How do you bold text now?


asterisks, same as always
i.e. * bold * (without the spaces)


Weird, it didn’t work for me when I tried it right after the update.

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15534 tasting notes

backlog from yesterday – after work we went out to the liquor station and out for dinner AND did a bit of browsing at the jewellery store so by the time we got home i was pooped and just wanted to sleep.

I picked this one yesterday because i am DYING to try all the teas i received from stacy (it’s been forever since i had new teas from her!) and this was my flavoured pick. I need to have this again before making a final decision. It was more irish cream than cheesecake, which i think i recall seeing stacy say was what they were going for. The smell is AMAAAAAZING! It’s a smooth tasting tea. I’m just not sure if I like it. I need to sit with it again in a cup. When i’m focusing on drinking my tea, not doing work. It’s for sure not a cup i hate..i’m just not quite sure how i feel about it yet. :)


If you err on the hate side, I’m open for donations :P
(almost placed an order based on this one alone!)

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251 tasting notes

Dry: This is a very pretty dry leaf with different colored flower petals (I can see cornflower for sure). It smells rich and creamy, with a nutty vanilla fragrance.

Steeped: Medium clear red-brown liquor. Still has that soft and sweet vanilla-nut blended fragrance, except now I also smell Darjeeling muscatel with a buttery background. I can see how this is called Irish Cream because the smell reminds me in a subtle way of Bailey’s.

Taste: This one is nommy and I am enjoying it, but I am not really getting cheesecake or Irish cream on the palate at all. Instead I believe the base is the main feature, which is an excellent Darjeeling as it turns out. Sweet with a hint of sour and astringency, this reminds me dead on of a good quality Darjeeling with the muscatel background. There is also that same nut aroma/flavor and buttery notes, which from the description, sounds more like the base tea than the flavored one, too. I will say that at the end of each sip there is a nice dose of cream to enjoy that is clearly not the stand-alone base. I drank this one straight and I am not sure I would enjoy it as much with sugar as I think the sweetness could somewhat obscure the dessert nuances. Glad I was able to try this- what an interesting blend!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I have a sample of this one calling my name…

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