“Lao Chen De Cha” means “Mr. Chen’s Tea” which is a series started from 2005 year under the tea making ideology of chairman of Changtai group, Mr. Chen Shi-huai.
Relatively looseness in whole cake thanks to the stone mill pressing which leads to fast aging even inner side.(This is a general character in almost all tight teas from Changtai in that period except few)
Thickness along with sweetness.
Huigan ( returning sweetness) and saliva… Read more
“Lao Chen De Cha” means “Mr. Chen’s Tea” which is a series started from 2005 year under the tea making ideology of chairman of Changtai group, Mr. Chen Shi-huai.
Relatively looseness in whole cake thanks to the stone mill pressing which leads to fast aging even inner side.(This is a general character in almost all tight teas from Changtai in that period except few)
Thickness along with sweetness.
Huigan ( returning sweetness) and saliva producing are both good.
Minor bitterness and astringency.
Great variations from lingering aftertastes.
Well recommended for both old tea drinkers and new tea drinkers to learn about clean and natural Guangzhou stored tea after evolution.
Guangzhou Natural Storage.