Daoli Silver Trip

A Pu'erh Tea from


83 / 100

Calculated from 5 Ratings
Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Typical Preparation
Set water temperature to 190 °F / 87 °C
Steep for 2 min, 45 sec
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4 Tasting Notes View all

“Yummy, very tastey tea :) It has very bold almost white tea flavor to me that develops more into young raw puerh flavors after a few steepings with a slight spicy almost peppery bite to it while...” Read full tasting note
“I really like this tea, but I’m not sure why. It is one of those experiences that you just enjoy, without actually knowing the reason. The first steep was bright in colour and mellow, light in...” Read full tasting note
“First steep rejected after 5 sec as advised by the tea company. Second steep was very fun to look at while steeping – the “tea button” was opening slowly and it was interesting to watch how the...” Read full tasting note
“Delitious tea.” Read full tasting note


English brand name: Daoli Silver Trip
Slovenian brand name: Daoli Srebrni vrh
Chinese characters: 道理 普洱 银芽
Pinyin: dàolǐ pǔ’ěr yínyá
Name origin: yinya means “silver buds”; pu’er is a famous tea from southwest China
Ingredients: buds of Camellia sinensis
Origin: Yunnan, China
Selected, imported, and packaged by: Daoli
Steeping suggestion: 1 nugget, 90 °C 250 ml, 120-460 seconds, 3-4 times

A word about the tea
Daoli Silver Trip is made of slightly fermented raw (or sheng) pu’er tea from the Yunnan province pressed into small nuggets. Silver Trip undergoes very little fermentation and has taste, aroma, and texture characteristic of green teas. Try Silver Trip now to enjoy its fresh and invigorating taste or let it age naturally to develop a more mellow and soothing flavor.

Why we like it
Raw pu’er teas are underrepresented in the west. Most people who hear the word “pu’er” immediately think about the post-fermented teas that can smell and taste like earth. Being a raw pu’erh variety, Silver Trip, however, has a nice taste and fragrance of freshly cut grass or bamboo leaves.

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About Daoli

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