Currant Affair

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Blackberry Leaves, Blackcurrant, Rooibos
Black Currant, Medicinal, Wood, Artificial, Sweet, Berry, Fruity, Rooibos, Sour, Tart, Stewed Fruits
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Anlina
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 380 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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37 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Onto caffeine free teas for the evening. I forget how nice this rooibos is until I have it again lol, very fruity and a touch of cream. The red rooibos is a good base as it adds to the rich currant...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: OMGsrsly introduced me to the awesomeness of blackcurrants last spring. Those things smell. So. Good. The aroma of this rooibos blend is up to par, but the flavour isn’t quite as sweet and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow. I LOVE black currant flavoured things and have asked Davids off and on for over a year to make a good black currant tea. When cocoberry came out I was excited and then horrendously...” Read full tasting note
  • “Too bad that VariaTEA didn’t like this, but I’m happy she gave it to me. I don’t mind mediciny-rooibos’ flavours. And I’m happy that we made it through all the Black Friday/Cyber Monday madness....” Read full tasting note


Our currant favourite
In 11th century Russia, it was grown as a staple in monastery gardens. In 17th century Europe, it was made into a dark and delicious syrup to soothe sore throats. And in England during World War 2, it was the country’s top source of Vitamin C. We’re talking about the deliciously nutritious blackcurrant, quite possibly our favourite super-fruit. Try it for yourself with this velvety rich tea, a sweet and fruity blend of blackcurrants, blackberry leaves and super-healthy rooibos. It’ll be an instant love affair.

Ingredients: Rooibos, sweet blackberry leaves, blackcurrant, black currant and cream flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

37 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Onto caffeine free teas for the evening. I forget how nice this rooibos is until I have it again lol, very fruity and a touch of cream. The red rooibos is a good base as it adds to the rich currant flavor. A nice evening tea. See previous notes.


If you like the flavor of currant, you should try Grand Amour by Nina’s Paris if you ever get a chance. I had it earlier and it was a really nice tea but currant is just not for me.


I’ve just recently been emailing them about their teas :) so I will definitely keep it in mind for when I place an order, thanks!


No problem. I recently met with them and they were so amazingly sweet. I got to try a bunch of their teas and so many have been really good.

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1445 tasting notes

Backlog: OMGsrsly introduced me to the awesomeness of blackcurrants last spring. Those things smell. So. Good.

The aroma of this rooibos blend is up to par, but the flavour isn’t quite as sweet and I can detect some of the base. Adding some agave syrup helped bring out the fruitiness a tad more, however. Not bad!

I wasn’t planning on picking this up yesterday; all I wanted was 30g more of Mother’s Little Helper. (Un)fortunately, My friend who works there sneakily suggested this. Having no willpower to speak of, this led to 10g more of tea than originally planned.

Also, on an almost completely unrelated note, I had a Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake qoola (frozen yogurt) yesterday, and it was so amazing that I felt the need to share the experience here. Currently missing a certain 52teas blend.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake Qoola?! I’ll have to see if the metrotown store has that flavour! Sounds rad. :)

I also need more blackcurrant tea. I’ll have to see if Steam is still carrying it, or if I have to get the DavidsTea version.


Blackcurrants are the best. I love how your hands smell like blackcurrant all day after you pick some, no matter how many time you wash your hands.


I want some of that Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake from Qoola. I want it SO BAD. :O There’s one that just opened up at York Univeristy – they knew I was coming maybe?

And this tea sounds really interesting. I don’t know if I’ve had currants but I’d love to sample this. Will pick some up next time I can!


Yes, I’m crazy for the smell!:) In hindsight, I’ve decided I really liked Steam’s blackcurrant tea, OMGsrsly. I hope it’s still in stock because I like it more than this (difference between black tea base and rooibos).

The Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake comes from mixing the Pumpkin and Cheesecake frozen yogurt options, then adding caramel syrup (maybe some nuts or chocolate syrup too?), but I found it was worth the “effort”. :P


Looks like they do! I SO need to get down there and buy some tea. :) That’s a good tip for Qoola as well. I think I’ll head there for ‘dinner’ before medieval & renaissance dancing tonight. :)

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709 tasting notes

Wow. I LOVE black currant flavoured things and have asked Davids off and on for over a year to make a good black currant tea. When cocoberry came out I was excited and then horrendously disappointed. When I contacted customer service to share my belief that cocoberry was an abomination they consoled me with the promise of currant affair. With that in mind, I bought a 50 gram bag on faith that a tea with so few ingredients couldn’t possibly go wrong.

For once, I was very right. I steeped this 5 minutes with a hefty amount of leaf and while hot this was a beautiful currant tea with just the right level of sweetness. Unfortunately it become overwhelmingly sweet as the cup cooled BUT I think that was a factor of over-leaf and over-time. This is one that doesn’t need a lot of time or leaf to become a really powerful brew. Others may like the cooler cup best but as someone who doesn’t sweeten her teas, it is a bit much.

In general though, I love this. I am already considering getting more to have an at home and at work stash. I did have a few coworkers complaining of a weird smell though so I might have to take the work stash home. :( Two thumbs up for a currant tea done right!


I want to get some of this! It sounds very good :)

Aimee Popovacki

its so good!… they haven’t wowed me with a tea in quite some time… i’ve liked some of their new ones, but haven’t loved anything enough to buy more than like 25g of it… this one is great :) .. i never got to try cocoberry because it has mango in it, but i haven’t heard anything good about it!


Good to know! I love black currant as well. Those British black currant licorice candies = love.

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1598 tasting notes

Too bad that VariaTEA didn’t like this, but I’m happy she gave it to me. I don’t mind mediciny-rooibos’ flavours.

And I’m happy that we made it through all the Black Friday/Cyber Monday madness. Our discussion boards should calm down soon! Well, aside from the “What I Got in the Mail” thread, but that’ll be an exciting one to watch, and also it’s easy to ignore if I’ve got too much going on.

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2291 tasting notes

I love currant candies. This tea approximates the flavour.

Not something to keep stocked all the time, but nice to have once in a while, I think.

I added a little sugar.


Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Sweet black currants

Liquor: A sweet black currant aroma resides in this red-brown liquor.

Flavour: Freshly picked ripe black currents. Sweet, rich, dark and fruity with.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming out with a blackcurrant tea. Please keep it around forever DAVIDsTEA!

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16863 tasting notes

I received this in a swap with LovelyLotus.

This one was on my low priority shopping list because I love currants but I also have a couple currant teas already so I wasn’t entirely sure if I could justify buying another one, so getting it in a swap was perfect!

Dry, the leaf smells similar to Champagne Cassis from Tea Desire which is a personal favourite (I have it ranked 100, and it’d probably be in my 5 favourites teas of all time) – but a little less sweet. For preparing it today, I steeped 2 tsp. in my 12 oz. timolino in boiling water for eight minutes. I didn’t have the brewing guide/suggestions pulled up so I just went with something that seemed reasonable in comparison to my other rooibos blends from DAVIDsTEA.

The smell of this one is intensly black currant and cherry (what the heck? is there even cherry in the blend?) – but in a HEAVILY medicinal way, which does not bode well for this tea…

I was kind of hesitant to try it out, and thankfully I was busy enough working the first two hours (of my three hour) shift so I could put it off. However, I’m finally trying it now and, to be honest, my thoughts are simply “yuck”. I’m getting incredibly strong notes of cherry and black currant in a strongly and overpoweringly medicinal way that leaves a very unpleasant and lingering aftertaste in my mouth. This is just rude :/

And that’s actually really disappointing because I LOVE currants and was hoping for this to be a caffeine free equivalent to Champagne Cassis – and it’s definitely not. Boo :(

Anyway, I’m still thankful to LovelyLotus for sending some my way – if nothing else this satisfied my curiosity and prevented me from actually spending money on it. I think this is getting dumped when I get home, though (sad because I only brought one thing of tea to work today because my shift was so short)…


I was very disappointed with this one, though ’d had such high hopes for it.

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6444 tasting notes

This is yet another tea I poured out. Though the dry leaf smelled sweet and delicious, the finished product tasted more medicinal than anything. Into the swap box!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

oh dear! you are having bad luck tonight! =0(


You noticed that, did you? Today has not been my day for tea. However, to make up for all the failures, I brewed myself some Lime Chiffon so hopefully that will make things better.


well, i can sedn you off some hello sweetie if you’d like. stacy lim as you well know is brilliant. even if her cup of tea isn’t your cup of tea she is still marvelously refined. PM me if you’re interested. =0)


I would definitely be interested!! I just PMed you.

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32 tasting notes

I picked up a 50g bag of Currant Affair while at DAVIDs’ Moncton, New Brunswick location this past weekend. I had asked one of the employees for a suggestion and this is what she recommended as it was this month’s Tea of the Month. I noticed this past weekend that I have a thing for asking employees to randomly choose something for me (MAC – “Pick out an eyeshadow that you feel would compliment my eyes”, Every Sushi Restaurant – “And just add in an order of whichever roll you like the best”, DAVIDs – “I’ll also have 50g of any random tea you wanna recommend”). I always seem to have good luck with the employees I encounter. I guess the fact that I’m pretty easygoing and will consume anything helps.

Oh right, the tea…

I don’t believe I’ve ever tried currants before, so I can’t compare this tea to actual currants, but I really do enjoy this tea’s flavor. I did; however, find that it’s smell and taste vaguely reminded me of some sort of cough syrup or throat lozenge. This has actually been the second tea to remind me of medicine (without the medicine taste luckily).

I’ve only steeped two cups of this tea so far (consecutively) and that was a few days ago. I’m also writing this review by memory, as opposed to using my handwritten notes…so I’ll give this another go shortly and reassess. I know I did thoroughly enjoy this tea and as far as I can recall, would recommend it.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

A lot of people seem to find Rooibos teas have a medicinal taste, and I think that MAYBE that’s contributing to why a lot of people seem to compare this tea to lozenges. Personally, I love currants (currant jam is the shit) but have been putting off trying this because my absolute favourite tea of all time in currant flavoured and I’m worried this wont even come close to comparing. However, since I’ve seen a lot of people make the lozenge connection now I’m curious: since I don’t find Rooibos to, typically, taste medicinal I’m wondering if I can avoid any unwanted medicinal tasting currant flavour…

Roswell Strange

Damn that was longer and more rambly than I thought it was…


I’ve only tried a handful of Rooibos, but Currant Affair and Pink Lemonade from DAVIDs TEA both remind me of popular medicines. They don’t actually have that nasty, strong medicine taste, but more the flavor the companies add to the medicines to make them bearable to get down. I don’t think I was super fair to this tea for giving it only a 68 point score and truthfully, I haven’t really been scoring by numbers, just going by the little happy faces. I would definitely give this one a shot…It definitely wasn’t not worth trying and I’m excited to try it again to see if I feel differently about it. Also, I’m just getting into tea and don’t know a damn thing about proper amounts to steep, steep times, temperatures, etc. and I was told last night by a friend that this is super important. Maybe steeping it properly would take away the lozenge taste? I’m going to give it another go today and see what happens.

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299 tasting notes

I finally went to the DT in my town & as soon as I stepped in, the woman at the counter was all, “I have a sample for you!” and it was this. I was sold. Like, immediately. This’ll be my go-to decaf for a while. It makes me wish I had more Blueberry Jam! I miss that tea.


Would you recommend my picking up 50g of this? I have an empty red tin I’d like to put rooibos in!


How about I post you the sample today?? I’ll just mail that one & 1 other ahead in an envelope like you did. (But yes: it’s great!)


That sounds good, if you feel like going out. Otherwise I’ll buy some on Friday. I have a budget that I am going to blow on the new teas! There’s going to be a gingerbread rooibos as well, so I guess I have to decide between Currant Affair and Gingerbread!


I didn’t end up hitting the post office cuz my parcel is STILL NOT IN :( :/ :/

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