Chocolate Almond Coconut

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 32 oz / 946 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks to Della Terra Teas for a generous sample of this tea! It’s absolutely loaded with coconut, which got me pretty excited – hoping it tastes as good as I expect! Although this tea contains...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh coconut. What happened to us, we used to be such great friends. There was a time where I loved you to bits(coconut bits!) and I looked forward to trying any tea blend you were in. and now?...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the afternoon….. Yes, I need to start attacking my flavored tea stash. I think the flavored ones are perfect for afternoon, so I think I am going to make my New Year’s resolution to have...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown tea #6! Thank you yappychappy! Mmmm the aroma of this tea is nice. The flavor is nice too. Most of the time I can’t really stand coconut and chocolate teas. This one is a bit different and...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

This wonderfully flavorful tea has the taste of a fresh baked macaroon with chocolate chips, almond pieces and real coconut.

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate bits, almond bits, chocolate and almond flavoring

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40 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

Thanks to Della Terra Teas for a generous sample of this tea! It’s absolutely loaded with coconut, which got me pretty excited – hoping it tastes as good as I expect!

Although this tea contains almond, I wasn’t expecting the aroma that I got when opening the bag, which was very amaretto-y/sweet, like marzipan. I was anticipating more of a nutty aroma. Steeped, the tea smells quite similar. At this point I was pretty worried that it would just taste much like DavidsTea’s Amaretto, which I just gave away to my now ex-roommate as it really wasn’t a favourite. However, the coconut and the black tea base really transform the amaretto flavour into tasting much more like a macaroon. I almost feel as if the black base here tastes more like a dark oolong, solid and a bit bakey, which works perfectly. At three minutes, there’s not a hint of astringency or bitterness. The coconut adds a significant dose of amazing creaminess – probably the most deliciously coconutty tea I have tried!

The only downside is that I used 1.5 tsp for about an 8 oz. cup and kind of wish the tea would be a bit stronger – I suspect I’m finding it a touch weak simply because much of the volume is taken up by coconut, which adds creaminess but not a lot of depth, a quality provided moreso by the black tea. Might try a longer infusion or more tea next time, since I have at least enough tea for 4 or so more cups!

ETA: Re-steep in less water (5 min, near boiling) isn’t great. Kind of creamy, a bit chocolatey. Not even much almond. Definitely wouldn’t hold up to a third.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m finding this to be the case with a lot of the della terra teas. Really enjoy the flavours but they’re muted…not as strong as I would really love.


I have one other from them to try, a pumpkin one. I now have like 4 different pumpkin teas to compare, lol. One from Butiki, DT, Della Terra, and iHeartTeas. We’ll see how it holds up. Perhaps an exp’t for tonight (or a cooler day…)


Let me know heh

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1759 tasting notes

Oh coconut. What happened to us, we used to be such great friends. There was a time where I loved you to bits(coconut bits!) and I looked forward to trying any tea blend you were in. and now? You’ve become cloying and overwhelming and sometimes far too sweet for my tastes. This makes me sad. I miss the days when we’d sit together, you in a nice big mug, me on the couch or at the table. Sadly, those days are no longer. So… Either coconut has entirely changed it’s profile entirely in the last few years, or my palate has done a 180. (yes I am playing naive. It must be possible that nobody else has noticed the coconut profile change bahahaha)
Anyhow, other than coconut I did get a slight marzipan note and it did balance things out a tad, and it was more sugary than I’d have liked, which is odd for me in a tea that I haven’t added anything to.
Overall, the tea was super light and I wish I’d used less water. Not that it matters given my tirade above. So… I won’t rate this because I don’t think it’d be fair. But… If someone asked me to rate it just for fun, I’d likely say 70.
Thanks Kittenna for this sample!

Agh! I have a bunch of other reviews to write, but I’m realizing now that none of them are worth my 1000th note. I want to save it for something incredible. AND I won’t be home all day tomorrow. Bah!!


Say NO to coconut! :)


LOL Sil, I’m on board with that now!!!


it’s about time! sheesh!


my 1000th note, or the coconut hating :P


lol i missed my 1000th note. haha so i’m jsut going to randomly celebrate some odd tasting note sometime


Ah well it’s good to save it up! Make it something extra special :P


Ah, coconut and men,hard to find one that’s a keeper.(ok guys sue me!Have you ever tried to pick a good coconut from a bunch?)


hahaha Bonnie you are so right ;)
(all in good fun guys!)


I found this tea to be way heavier on amaretto on coconut. And I’m just not a big amaretto fan :(


odd, I wonder if it was just not distributed properly


Or I’m more sensitive to amaretto and you to coconut :) Either way, not a fave. I prefer the “dry nut” flavour over amaretto, which is what I was initially hoping for, here.


true, or something more like marzipan. I wouldn’t have minded that!


Amaretto/marzipan are equivalent in my mind, heh, not a fan of either :)


I know what you mean. They’re similar, but different enough in my head that I regard them separately. Amaretto has a deeper sweetness with a touch of bitter that barely registers, and for me, marzipan is more of a sugary/dessert with less depth


Yep, that makes sense; I just equate similar things when I don’t particularly care for them. :D


haha I get that! like me and cantaloupe teas :s

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…..

Yes, I need to start attacking my flavored tea stash. I think the flavored ones are perfect for afternoon, so I think I am going to make my New Year’s resolution to have afternoon tea everyday. Now that I think about it, what a perfect resolution! It makes me take a moment to relax and enjoy rather than just go, go, go. Some afternoons will be tough to squeeze this in, but I think all I am going to require is an effort to do so. We will see how much it helps me drink the flavored tea I have on hand. I admit that I don’t crave them so much anymore, but maybe they will help me cut back on sugar a little.

This is nice, but not fantastic. I do get mostly coconut at this point (I don’t know if flavor profiles change a great deal after storage. I think I have had this one for at least 6 months, probably more.) The chocolate is light, and the almond is more of a nutty presence (which is nice, really….it makes for a fuller taste). It does help when you are craving something sweet. I probably won’t buy this one again, but I am sure I will try more from this company. The small amounts offered are perfect for trying lots of things and not feeling guilty when there is more than half a tin of some flavored tea languishing in your cupboard because your fickle tastes have moved on. See, it does matter how things are offered.

Usual teapot method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I think that is a very good resolution!

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892 tasting notes

Sipdown tea #6! Thank you yappychappy!
Mmmm the aroma of this tea is nice. The flavor is nice too. Most of the time I can’t really stand coconut and chocolate teas. This one is a bit different and I think it’s thanks to the almond. It’s pretty simple but it’s still nice. All flavors (including the black base) are present.

EDIT: As it cools more of the chocolate flavoring starts to come out and I’m enjoying it a little more :]

Lariel of Lórien

Almond joy tea?


Pretty much :] I like Almond Joys. I just am not a super fan of teas that have the same ingredients.

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4326 tasting notes

Additional notes: Having this one now – I may or may not have just ordered some super-sale Della Terra, some favorites I’ve only have the try-me packs of and some blends that look too nice to overlook! This ended up being the exact cup of tea I was envisioning. This one works better with lots of leaves and a very long steep time (over ten minutes – you can’t hurt it, really). Very tasty! Liquid cookie.

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390 tasting notes

thank you so much to Stephanie for this sample. (her timing was very ninja-like…. quite cool!)

for those that have been following the nonsense that has been my life of late: i saw the emergency opthomologist yesterday. surgery likely in two weeks, steroids up until then. reading isn’t fun which means my exam on monday is going to be….creative? thus Stephanie-ninja’s package (and VariaTEA’s) found me yesterday!

the tea: hmmm. my sample does NOT look like this, first off, although the smell wasn’t too far from the photo. this tea would give darwin new insights, lol. (ie: the blend has a dramatic evolutionary shift).

i do not care for it hot. i scowled at it openly. i got no chocolate, no almond…. coconut? hah! i do try not hold grudges…. they serve no purpose but to grow poison trees. i channeled zen sipped again and….. MUCH BETTER! not robust. not clearly chocolate almond…. but the cooler it gets the more it improves.

i think the blend itself needs more oomph. an oomph boost! good idea… not done yet though. darwin could meddle!


Gah! I hate when teas have some awesome notes but you can’t taste them.


my thought is: go all the way with the idea, don’t stop part way there. it has potential…. but not done cooking yet i think!

Hesper June

Oh,my! That poor tea must have been quivering down to it’s very leaves…to be scowled at openly by JJ!
Glad that it redeemed itself once slightly cooled.
Sorry to read of your recent eye problems, I hope it will all soon be quickly resolved.


lol, i don’t often glower at teas! but it behaved somewhat… in the end. }=0^

the eye thing is so random! very badly timed too…. i’ve been offered an extension for my exam on monday, but i can just see that causing a snowball catchup effect…. i have two major final projects another exam and surgery in between. i think just doing it makes more sense? though i am always slightly out of my head with steroids in my system…. thoughts anyone?

Hesper June

I might have to try that next time I believe a tea is misbehaving:)
Sorry about the dilemma, I often tell others that it is most important to take care of your health first…sadly I rarely take my own advice.


i’m doing everything that can be done…. i really don’t think putting off the exam (though the offer was kind) will help. i have 12 days of steroids left, another assessment, then they book the procedure. in between i get my disease modifier.

i feel rotten. that isn’t going to change anytime soon. heaping the stress of a delayed exam on top of my other due dates won’t be helpful……


Hesper June

Very true. So sorry that you have to deal with this. Wishing you some relief soon!


thank you, my dear. one of these random occurrences. my prof is in for a bit of a shock though…. i’m studying mostly off TED and youtube. lol. reading the text book isn’t going so well.

Hesper June

I sure you Prof will be impressed on how well you will do.


man i hope so! you are a lovely soul…. xo


By the way, best of luck with surgery! I hope it won’t be too high risk and the recovery will go alright.


thanks for the well wishes! my mother piped up today ‘so i guess you don’t want tea for christmas anymore?’ ???? ‘sounds like new glasses might be better?’ yes, but noooooooooooooooooooo!!

it was tragic, but also very amusing.


Aww, yeah, my mom’s been doing through a series of eye surgery and and her prescription keeps changing. It can be such a hassle and so expensive. Let’s hope you can hit a good pre-xmas sale and get a good deal on the glasses so you have more money for tea!


there’s a positive thought, yay pre-christmas sale thinking!!

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292 tasting notes

I like this one quite a lot.

So many teas that have chocolate in them are too sweet, like milk-chocolate creamy sweet. This one tastes more like dark chocolate, and while it’s a lovely sweet dessert-y tea, it’s much more palatable for me.

Also, I just really love coconut. I think I’d drink any coconut tea, ever.

2 min, 30 sec

Ditto @ coconut


Have you tried this one yet?

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219 tasting notes

My third time drinking this tea and still no sign of coconut or chocolate. I guess I should give up trying to taste those 2 flavors and accept this as an almond tea. I really wanted to love it like I do Eight Candles and Candy Cane.

In other news, IT’S THURSDAY. And in my world of working on Sundays means it’s my last workday of the week. Yay!! On to Ikea and sewing projects this weekend.


What will you be sewing? (I’m somewhat inept and haven’t done much but mending for years, but I come from a pretty unbreakable multi-generation strain of quilter DNA.)


I’m making a purse as a Christmas gift for a friend. Sewing is a new hobby for me. My mother is teaching me. We’ve made 3 purses and a Kindle cover since our journey began. I find joy in the creative process. We don’t use patterns :)


I do paper crafting instead of sewing these days. What gets the creative buzz going is matching up the colors and prints (ooh! that stripy stuff just fits with…). Which, when you think about it, is what our mothers and grandmothers were doing with those fabric scraps.


What sort of paper crafts? That sounds like fun!

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2145 tasting notes

I came to the conclusion several chocolate teas back that I’m just not a fan of Della Terra’s chocolate flavoring. I started out with ten samples to try and this week I’m trying to finish sampling the remaining three that I have before the travelling tea box comes to me. Hopefully someone along the way will enjoy these more than I have.

I actually had to dump out my first cup of this because there just wasn’t any flavor to it. I thought it may have been operator error at first, since this steep turned out super light. However, my second cup turned out the same way, despite a 5 minute steep time. You can smell the chocolate and almond flavorings, but you only taste the barest hint of either. This produces a somewhat watery tasting brew that lacks any real body.

I took the rest of my 1/2oz sample and steeped it 10oz of water. The color is finally resembling what I expected out of it in the first place, but due to my unorthodox steeping method it turned out to be a very cloudy brew. In hindsight, I probably should have tried to make a latte out of this before I wasted the whole package, but I am a bit aggravated at this tea. This cup still has no depth to it, just a bit of sweetness from the coconut, so down the sink it goes.

This was my most disappointing Della Terra purchase yet.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Lariel of Lórien

I thought it taste like Almond Joy.

Short Sorceress

That was exactly what flavor I was looking for when I picked it. Maybe I got a bad batch, because it turned out flavorless and watery.

Lariel of Lórien

That’s too bad. If I hadn’t already drank all mine, I would send you some.

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137 tasting notes

I knew this one would be a risky choice, but I wanted to try it anyway. Let’s just start off by saying I really don’t like coconut. Or almond flavouring. It’s strange, I really love coconut in tea though! And I like real almonds, but not so much in tea. Nutty teas are generally not my friends. Even more than that, I loathe the concentrated almond flavour that’s present in both marzipan and almond flavouring. Hate it!! It tastes like fake medicinal cherries to me, and to top it all off I really don’t like cherries.

Now that I’ve complained about all of the things I don’t like, onwards to the tea! :P
I should’ve looked at the ingredients before ordering, because almond flavouring is clearly listed. For some reason I was thinking it would just be slivered almonds, which I can deal with. I don’t mind the almonds in DTs chocolate rocket, cause they really don’t dominate the flavour. When I smelled the dry leaf I think I pouted quite a bit. The dreaded cherry-marzipan almond flavouring was the dominant scent.

Once I brewed it up, it still smelled strongly of marzipan, and as I sipped it was just smacking me in the face. I’m sure it’s not actually that dominant, but it comes out really aggressively for me, probably because it’s a taste I hate. I get a bit of the chocolate and coconut if I really try.

I think people who enjoy marzipan and almondy flavoured treats would love this! It’s really rich and the flavours are nice and strong. I still found it drinkable, even though it wasn’t my favourite, which has got to mean that it’s a pretty nice blend. It has been designated to the work stash now, which means I’ll probably be able to get through my packet. Unless of course I can find it a better home!


It sounds excellent!


Almonds are my favorite nut but I absolutely cannot stand almond flavoring in tea. I’m glad I’m not the only one! I can’t stand amaretto or marzipan either, I guess maybe it’s just a sweet almond flavor that grosses me out.


Azz – I can send it your way next time I get paid if you think you’ll like it! I’ve had a couple more cups since this note and it’s really not for me.

And Amanda – definitely not alone! Almonds are delicious. Marzipan and amaretto? Not so much. Weird how the flavours are so different.

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