There are a few flavors/ingredients that I feel easily overwhelm blends. You know, the ones where if there’s more than a tiny pinch in your spoon, it’s all you are going to taste. Mint is clearly one: it’s often hard to taste anything BUT mint. Jasmine is another: even when combined with other strong florals like rose, I find it to be overwhelming if not used with a gentle hand. However, they’re both ingredients I love when used right (or on their own) so of course when I saw this blend added to Della Terra’s site I wanted to see them “face off” as it were. In a battle for flavor dominance, who will win?!
I only got a sample size for this: I love the option to choose your own Try Me pack, that way you can really get a feel for the blends before committing to buy large portions. So I have about 4 cups of Jasmint to experiment with: the first I cold brewed, since I love cold mint and cold floral teas. The smell is WOAH MINT, all up in your nose. Peppermint, I think? It’s got that sweetness that peppermint does, though of course I could be wrong. I thought “oh, well I see mint was the winner in this battle!” but of course I was wrong.
Upon taking a sip, there was a whole lot of jasmine! AND a whole lot of mint! The funny thing is, you don’t get them at the same time. Like, one sip is super minty and the next is super floral and jasmine-y. I think there’s an undercurrent of mint/jasmine combo but it seemed like one or the other was in the lead with each mouthful. Kind of weird, but an interesting tasting experience for sure! I do love both flavors, so I was definitely pleased by the outcome. A war of flavor in my cup! I’ll definitely be trying this one hot as well… perhaps then a victor will be named?