I have been sifting through the rooibos teas I got from Mariage Freres. None of them were stunners, until I came about this one. It’s loud in flavor, like a sweet, French summer punch. I adore black currant, and this tea has a bunch. With lovely lavender and a kiss of rose, it’s just everything I want. Their teas are either hit or misses, this is a hit for me. Also, it’s a tea that smells lush, but also tastes just as good (any tea drinker knows that some, if not most teas can smell amazing, but their taste doesn’t follow suit.)
Now if they could make a black tea tasting like this, I would buy a pound. Naturally sweet on its own. It reminds me of one of my favorite dessert red wine, the jammy flavor.
Flavors: Black Currant, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Jam, Lavender, Sweet
in addition of the mythology sense, métis is also the adjective we use in French to speak about a “mixed-race” person – the word in English seems awful for a French-we avoid to use the word race (anyway there is only one race – the human one)
Can we consider this blend to be a mixed of several very different tastes ?
Ahhh I didn’t realise! I’ve had my head in classics books so much that I didn’t think about looking it up… That’s probably a better reading of it. The only thing I could find in common with mythology was that the Artemis tea was also rooibos!
MF probably plays on the double meaning :)