“sigh …Just having one of those days that calls for some comforting cup of tea. Before brewing: These leafs are very small and thin. They smell sweet, with a hint of hay. After steeping: Yellow...” Read full tasting note
A crisp and light green tea with a sweet, refreshing aftertaste.
This tea comes from central China’s Hubei province. It is grown in the Yi Chong gorge of the Yangtze River, about halfway up from the river level. The bud and leaf sets are plucked to a uniform size standard, and the end result of careful leaf processing is a narrow, dark green leaf with silver tips. We like this tea for its classic “China green” flavor, the mellow vegetal notes tasting more subdued than the green teas of Japan. Hubei Silver Tip does show a more brisk astringency than most, with hints of fresh vegetables and sweet lemon.
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