5 steeps: rinse, rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 60s, 4min
5s: Generic puerh taste
10s: Generic puerh taste
20s: Puerh that’s beginning to lose it’s flavor on the 3rd steep
30s: Generic puerh taste (once again on the weak side)
1 min: Generic puerh taste
4 min: Surprisingly weak after 4 minutes
Woooow I am floored. The leaves on this were large and flat and I wasn’t sure how much to add so I decided to put in extra just in case. I ended up filling the whole 90ml gaiwan by accident. Wasn’t expecting the leaves to expand that much I guess. Anyway, since the gaiwan was full, I was expecting to end up with tea that was very strong, dark, and maybe a bit bitter. What did I end up with? Just barely decent tea. I kept thinking to myself “what does it say about a ripe puerh if the gaiwan is full and it still barely gives any flavor?” I’lllll tell you what it means. I means I’m a sucker. This was one of 4 teas that I bought as my first puerh purchase. Puerhshop was recommended and I didn’t have much to spend so I selected 4 teas from their clearance section. I thought “Clearance” meant “marked down” teas, not “crap” teas. Literally all four teas (3 tous, and this brick) turned up extremely bland. sigh Lessons learned:
1. You get what you pay for
2. Sample, sample, sample