Menghai Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2016 - Monkey Year

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
China Pu Erh Black Tea
Char, Olives, Sweet
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 375 ml

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From Teavivre

Origin: Bulang Mountain, Menghai County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China

Plucking Standard: One bud with one leaf

Net wet: 357g

Dry Tea: Round and smooth cake with slightly loose edge, full of fat tea buds and pekoes, some leaves are slightly yellow and red in color

Aroma: Strong nectar flavor

Liquid: Golden yellow, crystal clear and bright

Mouthfeel: Mainly sweet with less bitter, soft taste, sweetish and mouth-watering afterwards

Tea Bush: Menghai large-leaf tea bush species (about 300 years old)

Tea Garden: Man Xin Long Tea Garden

Menghai Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2016 – Monkey Year is a strong nectar-aroma raw Pu-erh tea, which is sweet and less bitter and is suitable for the new tea friend as well as the females who want to try raw Pu-erh tea.

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4 Tasting Notes

836 tasting notes

Olive note. Charred note with slightly bitter edge. Faint dull sweetness trailing into the aftertaste.

Flavors: Char, Olives, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

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3480 tasting notes

This is a sample sent by Teavivre for review. Many thanks, Angela and Teavivre!

I used my eight ounce pot and about half the sample. The dry leaves smell wonderful, and remind in appearance and scent of a nice white tea, one of the bolder ones like a shou mei.

I did rinse this and pour off the very pale liquid quickly. My first steep was thirty seconds. I have a bad habit of drinking all types of puerh too quickly, forgetting how much more I like them after they have cooled for a minute, so I used my thinnest cups. The heat on my fingers will remind me to wait until it is cooler so I can taste the full flavor profile better.

This is a nice golden color. The scent surprisingly has apple notes! I am thinking of Granny Smith apples with their tart juiciness. The scent of white tea is now mixed with the characteristic scent of raw puerh, or perhaps the scent of a brisk green tea.

The flavor is mild, slightly astringent and lending a tingle to the tongue, and has the delightful rising sweetness that occurs when drinking certain greens.

I raised the third steep to 45 seconds but it is more astringent here so I will be sticking to 30-35 seconds for this one henceforth.

There is still a fruity flavor now on the fourth steep, with a hint of smoke and a good bit of dryness. This is a very interesting tea, and I find it very drinkable even at this young age. My daughter is drinking this with me and didn’t know it was raw puerh. She was quite surprised when I told her because she had one at a tea festival that did not please her! She likes this one.

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73 tasting notes

Drinking up an entire 10g sample of this in my yixing pot. Dry leaf is sweetish, wet leaf smells quite Menghai-y. Ripe fruit smell, and a hint of smokiness.

First steep comes out quite as a light amber, definitely lighter than I was expecting. The flavor is quite smooth and creamy, with no bitterness yet. Relatively mild in flavor profile, with a sweet mid-note cream aftertaste holding throughout. No particular high note presence.

Second steep is much darker in color, with a mid bitter note starting to appear in a mildish level. Still definitely a smooth creaminess to it, and a sweetness around the back of the mouth and in the aftertaste. I’m enjoying this one quite a bit.

Third steep loses a little bit of the creaminess and the bitterness gets a tad sharper. Fourth and fifth steeps, despite a longer steep, lose a bit more of the flavor and become watery with bitterness becoming sharper. After this point, it’s mostly fallen off. Around steep 7 I was able to get a little bit of sweetness out of it by steeping for a long time, and the bitterness faded off, but it was mostly done by that point.

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4326 tasting notes

The last sample from Teavivre for now. A big THANK YOU again to Teavivre! This is just a baby sheng both being harvested and sold within March 2016. But it is quite delicious now, even if aging the pu-erh should make it better. The leaves in my sample were huge and loose in package (not formed in a cake, but maybe that was just how the sample was packaged.) It had the lovely scent of a fresh creamy corn green tea but the flavor is all of a raw pu-erh. It has such a fresh, bright, smooth, sweet flavor with hints of lemon. Now that I think of it, this could almost taste like a white tea cake. It’s very consistent in all three steeps with no overdone sheng flavor if I stay with 35 seconds. It’s perfect this way and I really love this sheng. I can’t imagine the flavor can get even better with age. Maybe I like brand new sheng flavor more than aged sheng. I think the steeps were only beginning with tasty flavor — I could have kept going. All of samples I received in this round of samples were so delicious. They definitely aren’t hurting their business sending out samples. Teavivre is awesome.
Steep #1 // half sample for a full mug // rinse // 30 minutes after boiling // 35 second steep
Steep #2 // 32 minutes after boiling // 35 second steep
Steep #3 // 32 minutes after boiling // 35 second steep

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