Finally a review on my family day on vacation and I used my new Breville One-Touch Tea Maker to steep this beauty. It truly enbodies what I imagine the Earth the would taste like. This is a dark brew, it isn’t for those strictly dainty, pinky straight up in the air tea drinkers. Although, I do that from time to time myself. I found it representive of all things earthy such as nutrient rich soil, mossy covered stones, basically an ancient forest bed. I immediately feel transported under a large old prehistoric tree sipping this cup of tea that only binds me closers to the forest around me. This tea tastes just as described and doesn’t disappoint. Next time you place an order I suggest giving this one a try.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a geek, and as crafty as can be. When I am not running after the kids, changing diapers, and helping with homework I enjoy blogging about how tea applies to my life. For one, I am on a mission to get healthy while using tea every step of the way.

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