lizwykys said

What's your special, favorite, beloved tea cup, mug, glass, or other tea delivery device?

I don’t have one yet, so I’m interested because I want to find my own perfect tea cup, but also just very curious about what everyone else loves to drink their tea from. I’ve been eyeing the pretty “Riviera” glass tea mug from Mariage Frères, but a) expensive, and b) very annoyingly, they do not say what its capacity is, which seems, um, slightly important? Tell me about your favorite, and what you love about it, if you feel like sharing!

5 Replies
TreeGal said

As far as widely commercially available, I like the Tea Forte Kati cups. They are 12 oz if I remember correctly and do come with a strainer. They are double walled, so they keep tea warm but still protects your hands for holding it.

My other favorites are random finds, whether artist-made pottery, a tea service my husband brought me from Korea, a mug I won in a costume contest some 35 years ago…

Bunnieh said

Seconded on the Kati cup – it’s a great size for sitting and sipping while on the computer and it keeps the tea warm without burning my hands. Also, the lid/rest and infuser are adorable (and hard to lose).

I’ve tried many cups and this is my favourite out of the lot.

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I use a cheap turkish double walled glass cup. I want to get something fancier in the future.

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lizwykys said

The Kati looks great, and I love some of the patterns! I might be able to pick one up the next time I’m in the US. (checking local availability/prices, it would cost over $40 for me here in EU, so I’ll def have to wait on this one.)

I did end up ordering a couple of cups, though they haven’t arrived yet. Going with the path of least resistance for now, I just ordered these Denby Craftsman cups (, which match my Denby plates (and also look good with my pretty non-Denby flowery teapot). The size is okay — a little over 300 ml (10-11 oz), which is a good capacity for me, so it remains to be seen if they turn out especially good for tea. I do like their little potbelly design. :)

At any rate, they will be better than what we have now, since our cups are red inside and out, so you cannot see the tea color, and the weirdly designed handles mean you burn your bracing finger if it’s too hot. Take courage, second finger of my right hand! Your days of torture are nearly at an end!

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I like double-walled clear glass mugs and tumblers that let you see the tea. I have one from Teabox which has a built-in infuser (Seidel Glass Tea Mug with Infuser) that is my favourite but I have also bought a few similar mugs/tumblers without the infuser from places as varied as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress etc.

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