Dustin said

Free Tea Bus Tour

I randomly heard an interview on the radio a few weeks ago about a guy who is traveling in his bus across the US and giving out free tea. I think it is a bit of a social experiment, but he parks his bus, puts a sign out that he is offering free tea and waits for people to come in. He has had some really amazing experiences! Has anyone come across him? It seemed like such a neat way to break barriers and get people to interact with others outside of their norm! Check out his site…


27 Replies

Apparently, he pasted through one city in my county a few years ago.

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Ah, this is such a neat concept!

Dustin said

It really is! I love interactive things that knock people out of their normal shells and I love tea, so I really like this project. Looks like a couple tea companies have made donations of tea to him. I might look at his request list again and think about donating. Doesn’t look like he has made it anywhere near Texas yet, which is sad… for me. :)

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Cwyn said

Is this really about tea or about the political Tea Party?

Frolic select said

It’s really all about tea. I think their political leanings are pretty far away from the tea parties.

The about section of the website is pretty amazing and I love their ideology.

Dustin said

I don’t think it has anything to do political tea stuff. It was actually hard to look up this guy’s website because of all the political stuff that would pop up when I searched for “tea guy”, “tea tour” or “tea bus”. Stupid politics getting in the way of my search for tea stuff!

Also, in their FAQ section…
“Are you affiliated with the “Tea Parties” that are happening all over the country?
No, we are not political, although we do support people and movements that strive for positive social and environmental change. Are we opposed to serving tea at a politcal rally? No, everyone deserves tea from the “Tea Party” movement to the “Occupy” movement."

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Haven’t seen him, be fun to experience!

I looked around the site quickly, but couldn’t find if there are “tour dates” posted.

Dustin said

Yeah, I don’t see any either. It seems like he posts about where he was, not where he is going. Too bad because I’d love to come out and meet him and I bet a lot of other folks would too after hearing about it with the radio publicity. I found a link to a google map of all the places he has been and it looks like mostly up and down the west coast with just a few stops further inland. :/

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SarsyPie said

This is awesome. I wish he visited the East Coast. I’d love to see this party in action. :)

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Guisepi said

Howdy all! Glad you have interest in the tea bus. I love the curiosity! Here’s some info for y’all:
- I don’t post a tour schedule because I don’t have one. I am a North American tour, but taking time along the way (been on the road for 9 years)… I am in Texas (for you Dustin) – Terlingua to be exact, and will be headed towards Austin in a few weeks or more (most likely)… From there, I’m not sure, but I will be making it to the east coast soonish (within the next year) (Sarsonator)…
- I am in the process of getting my tea map redone and updated to reflect where I am and where I have been…
- For anyone interested, I have a regional tea-mail list so you can know when I make it to your region: freeteaparty.org/contact.html
- Feel free to ask any questions!
Hope to sip tea with some of you Steepsters down the road!

Awesome! I hope to have a cup of tea with you in Denver!

SarsyPie said

Cool! I signed up for the list :)

boychik said

Please make it to NYC !

Dustin said

Wow! I’m so glad you found us!
Terlingua is such an odd town that time forgot! It’s really neat and is it’s own little world.
Just signed up for your regional mailing list. Let me know if you need any pointers on Austin, want to join us for dinner or need to get a few showers in. We are just east of downtown, so we are pretty central.

Guisepi said

Thanks all for the interest! I’ll see you in Austin, Dustin. Do you know about the Texas Tea Festival on the 8th of February in Austin? I just contacted them to see if they want the tea bus there…

For those of you who signed up for my email list, I will be in touch, and hopefully we can sip a cuppa or two in the future. I love you, Steepsters!

MzPriss said

You will see me in Austin too!

mrmopar said

I’m on for the east as well. Blacksburg/Roanoke Va.

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MzPriss said

Oh and I will be bring you some things you have asked for in your list on the website. Is that list up to date?

Guisepi said

Good question, MzPriss! The list is pretty accurate, but I’ll update over the next couple days… Thanks!

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Guisepi said

mrmopar, either send me a PM with your email address, or sign up for the tea-mail list at freeteaparty.org/contact.html … Yay!

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MzPriss said

I just got back from the tea festival and spent a little time with Guisepi on the SO adorable tea bus. We had some nice oolong. I love the way people respond to it. It’s a very smiley thing and Guisepi is a beam of light. I enjoyed it very much.

@Guisepi – we have more tea to drink before you leave

Dustin said

Do you know where he and the bus are going to be? I really want to check it out!

Nicole said

Dustin, they were outside Saguerrunde(?) Hall

MzPriss said

@Dustin – he will be around Austin for a month or so I think. Am guessing he will update on his website and maybe Instagram, but not for sure.

Guisepi said

Hey, y’all! Glad to have met you @MzPriss!

For you Austin folks, I’m mostly laying low (lots of bus projects/maintenance, writing, and winter projects to do), but I will be out and about serving some tea a bit. I put updates on our Facebook page (Facebook.com/freeteaparty). I’ll try to post some events and places I’ll be serving around Austin here on this thread too. Thanks for the interest. And thanks for the tea, MzPriss! I’ll be in touch. Yay!

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OMGsrsly said

I’ve just been reading their website. Such an amazing idea.

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