45 Tasting Notes
Made my way over to Ann Arbor this weekend and stopped by the Tea Haus. The tea cupboard was a little empty. Really like this tea even if it’s a little pricey. I love the carmel, malty flavors. One can pick out the fruity flavors as well. Great for sipping on an overcast gloomy spring day.
I always try and get the most out of my leaves, so I steeped the same leaves for a second time. Not bad, really, just not as good as the first steeping.
Last night there was a damp chill in the air so I went looking for something to chase it away.(caffeine free naturally) On my shelf was the sample box of rooibos teas, found the vanilla, thinking this will chase the chill away. You know it did just that…But.
When I first opened the packet it was not what I expected when I smelled it. It was a bit earthy smelling, will more woodsy. That went away when I poured the steamy hot water over the rooibos. Then later the steam that touched my nose as I poured the dark amber liquor into my cup only added to experiance. Drinking the warm vanilla rooibos tea was the next best thing to snuggling in a my favorite chair. Which I did while anyway. This tea did indeed chase away the chill that seem to be rising inside me.
Overall this was a most comforting tea to end the day with. Got to get more…
Like green tea. So was excited about getting this. I always smell the dry tea leaves before putting in the brew vessel. Love the smell, took me back to being a kid. I wish I had gotten more then just the sample. I would have loved to experiment with this one more. Drinked it hot the first time, felt the Apricot flavor was a little weak. Just give me and excuse to order more. Would love to try this iced.
Just finished up my Assam Mangalam this morning. Not sure when I will be back to the Tea Haus to get more. Oh well.
I found I liked this tea very much. It has a lighter flavor then say the Irish Breakfast from TeaGschwendner. This is my husbands favorite, he likes his teas robust. For me I really liked the cocoa and malty flavors that came through. I generally do not put sugar into many of my teas, but at times I found it to enhance the malty, cocoa taste. It’s even good with a little cream.
Generally I love Irish Breakfast. It’s a great way to wake yourself up. This blend just did’nt have the kick-in-the-pants, wake up and get yourself out the door effect for me.
I did however buy a whole pound, so from time to time I blend it with whatever I have left over of my black teas. You know when you have a bit left over and not enough to make a full pot. It seems to perk it up a bit.
But on the other hand, if you are new to tea, and not sure if you like a kick-in-your-pants type of morning tea? This would be a great one to start out with.
Readed the many comments about it smelling like Fruit Loops. I did not get that the first time I smelled the tea leaves. Now through the power of suggestion everytime I smell it I think of Fruit Loops of even Fruity Pebbles. Even with that said I still like the tea. It has a refreshing taste and a great balance with the green tea. Once brewed everything seems to work. I found it to be one of my favorites in the Adagio Green Teas.
Yunnan Jig from adagio, what can I say about. Yummy comes to mine. I was very pleased with this tea. Drinking it gave me a warm comfy feeling. Cocoa came to mind when the aroma hit my nose after first opening it. Tasting it was even more of a surprise, I just wanted to come back for more. Since I only had a sample size I will have to make sure I get a larger quanity to have on hand.
Aquired this tea from The Tea Haus in Ann Arbor, MI. Found it to be a very good breakfast tea to have with Fresh Fruit and Croissants. The liquor is a dark amber color and the taste is pleasing. Will add this to my favorite goto teas for morning.